On 18 Dec 2018, at 12:16, Hapla Vaclav via petsc-dev 
<petsc-dev@mcs.anl.gov<mailto:petsc-dev@mcs.anl.gov>> wrote:

On 17 Dec 2018, at 18:11, Lawrence Mitchell <we...@gmx.li<mailto:we...@gmx.li>> 

On 17 Dec 2018, at 11:56, Hapla Vaclav 
<vaclav.ha...@erdw.ethz.ch<mailto:vaclav.ha...@erdw.ethz.ch>> wrote:

Matt, great that your reminded this email. I actually completely missed it that 

On 14 Dec 2018, at 19:54, Matthew Knepley via petsc-dev 
<petsc-dev@mcs.anl.gov<mailto:petsc-dev@mcs.anl.gov>> wrote:


I would like:

- To be able to dump the DMPlex, and fields, on N processes

I think the current HDF5 does what you want.

- To be able to load the DMPlex, and fields, on P processes.  In the first 
instance, to get things going, I am happy if P=1.

I think this also works with arbitrary P, although the testing can be described 
as extremely thin.

I think we need to be much more precise here. First off, there are now two HDF5 
1) PETSC_VIEWER_HDF5_PETSC - store Plex graph serialization
2) PETSC_VIEWER_HDF5_XDMF - store XDMF-compatible representation of vertices 
and cells
3) PETSC_VIEWER_HDF5_VIZ slightly extends 2) with some stuff for visualization, 
you perhaps understand it better

PETSC_VIEWER_DEFAULT/PETSC_VIEWER_NATIVE mean store all three above. I think 
what Lawrence calls Native should be 1).

The format 1) is currently written in parallel but loaded sequentially

I don't understand, how it can work correctly for a distributed mesh while the 
Point SF (connecting partitions) is not stored FWICS. I think there's even no 
PetscSFView_HDF5(). I will check it more deeply soon.

The format 2) is for which I implemented parallel DMLoad().
Unfortunately, I can't declare it bulletproof until we declare parallel 
DMPlexInterpolate() as 100% working. I did quite some work towards it in
but as stated in the PR summary, there are still some examples failing because 
of the wrong Point SF which is partly fixed in knepley/fix-plex-interpolate-sf 
but it seems it's not yet finished. Matt, is there any chance you could look at 
it at some point in near future?

I think for Lawrence's purposes, 2) can be used to read the initial mesh file 
but for checkpointing 1) seems to be better ATM because it dumps everything 
including interpolated edges & faces, labels and perhaps some more additional 

OK, so I guess there are two different things going on here:

1. Store the data you need to reconstruct a DMPlex

2. Store the data you need to have a DMPlex viewable via XDMF.

3. Store the data you need to reconstruct a DMPlex AND have it viewable via 

For checkpointing only purposes, I only really need 1; for viz purposes, one 
only needs 2; ideally, one would not separate viz and checkpointing files if 
there is sufficient overlap of data (I think there is), which needs 3.

Yes. Coordinates can be shared, topology storage is completely different, so 
with 3, it's just stored in two different ways redundantly.

Note I try to explain it's not that sharp that the XDMF format itself is only 
for viewing. The format itself is virtually capable to store the whole DMPlex 
representation. As I say, if you create HDF5 viewer and push 
PETSC_VIEWER_HDF5_XDMF format, DMLoad() loads _just_ the XDMF-related data in 
parallel (using DMPlexCreateFromCellListParallel()). For example, 
src/dm/impls/plex/examples/tutorials/ex5.c shows that.

The current interface is limited in that it only stores/loads vertices/cells, 
and edges/faces must be made on-the-fly. However, XDMF itself allows to store 
also these, so the need to call DMPlexInterpolate() could be eliminated.

Sorry, this is not entirely correct. Edges/faces are not explicitly stored but 
can be referred to using cell-local numbering. So labels or fields can still 
refer to them. But we can't avoid DMPlexInterpolate() after each load. For me 
it's not such a problem because parallel DMPlexInterpolate() scales almost 
perfectly (it's only not entirely correct ATM as I keep reminding).


There are also means to store labels using XDMF attributes/sets, and I'm 
planning to implement this in DMPlex.

So my overall idea (which I presented also at this year's User Meeting in 
London and nobody has objected yet), is that some FE codes could potentially 
use only this for both checkpointing and viewing. Advantages would include 
removing the redundancy in storage (reducing the file size) and increased 
interoperability with 3rd party tools.

Anyway, as XDMF refers to HDF5 heavy data, one is free to store any 
XDMF-unrelated data there as well, which is what happens with 
PETSC_VIEWER_DEFAULT. The "native PETSc" data, the "PETSc-native" topology, is 
then stored as well. _At the moment_ it's a good idea because of the 
limitations of the _current_ XDMF-HDF5 I/O implementation in PETSc.

Of course, XDMF + corresponding HDF5 part can never be as general as DMPlex 
itself and the "native PETSc" storage. For instance just because it supports 
"only" 3 dimensions of a normal world :-) whereas DMPlex support virtually any 
spatial dimension (a big deal of functionality relies on spatial dimension <= 
3, though).

Anyone knows what e.g. Fenics uses for checkpointing and/or final viewable 



I will nevertheless keep on working to improve 2) so that it can store edges & 
faces & labels in the XDMF-compatible way.

For dumping, I think I can do DMView(dm) in PETSc "native" format, and that 
will write out the topology in a global numbering.

I would use HDF5.

For the field coefficients, I can just VecView(vec).  But there does not appear 
to be any way of saving the Section so that I can actually attach those 
coefficients to points in the mesh.

Hmm, I will check this right now. If it does not exist, I will write it.

No, it certainly doesn't exist. There is only ASCII view implemented.

I can do PetscSectionCreateGlobalSection(section), so that I have a the global 
numbering for offsets, but presumably for the point numbering, I need to 
convert the local chart into global point numbers using 

No, all Sections use local points. We do not use global point numbers anywhere 
in Plex.

True. DMPlex is partition-wise sequential. The only thing which connects the 
submeshes is the Point SF.

OK, so I think I misunderstood what the dump format looks like then. For 
parallel store/load cycle when I go from N to P processes what must I do?

If I understand correctly the dump on N processes contains:

For each process, in process-local numbering

- The DMPlex topology on that process

Now, given that the only thing that connects these local pieces of the DM 
together is the point SF, as Vaclav says, it must be the case that a reloadable 
dump file contains that information.

OK, so to dump a field so that we can reload it we must need:

- topology (in local numbering)
- point SF (connecting the local pieces of the topology together)
- Vector (dofs), presumably in local layout to make things easier
- Section describing the vector layout (local numbering)

So to load, I do:

1. load and distribute topology, and construct new point SF (this presumably 
gives me a "migration SF" that maps from old points to new points

2. Broadcast the Section over migration SF so that we know how many dofs belong 
to each point in the new topology

3. Broadcast the Vec over the migration SF to get the dofs to the right place.

Whenever I think of this on paper it seems "easy", but then I occasionally try 
and sit down and do it and immediately get lost, so I am normally missing 

What am I missing this time?


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