
one way to test is to run a sequential example through nv-prof:
 $> nvprof ./ex56 ...


If it uses the GPU, then you will get some information on the GPU kernels called. If it doesn't use the GPU, the list will be (almost) empty.

Best regards,

On 8/15/19 5:47 PM, Mark Adams via petsc-dev wrote:
I have configured with Hypre on SUMMIT, with cuda, and it ran. I'm now trying to verify that it used GPUs (I doubt it). Any ideas on how to verify this? Should I use the cuda vecs and mats, or does Hypre not care. Can I tell hypre not to use GPUs other than configuring an non-cude PETSc? I'm not sure how to run a job without GPUs, but I will look into it.


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