snes/ex13 is getting a ParMetis segv with GAMG and coarse grid
repartitioning. Below shows the branch and how to run it.

I've tried valgrind on Cori but it gives a lot of false positives. I've
seen this error in DDT but I have not had a chance to dig and try to fix
it. At least I know it has something to do with weights.

If anyone wants to take a shot at it feel free. This bug rarely happens.

The changes use weights and are just a few lines of code (from 1.5 years

12:08 (0455fb9fec...)|BISECTING ~/Codes/petsc$ git bisect bad
0455fb9fecf69cf5cf35948c84d3837e5a427e2e is the first bad commit
commit 0455fb9fecf69cf5cf35948c84d3837e5a427e2e
Author: Fande Kong <>
Date:   Thu Jun 21 18:21:19 2018 -0600

    Let parmetis and ptsotch take edge weights and vertex weights

 src/mat/partition/impls/pmetis/pmetis.c | 7 +++++++
 src/mat/partition/impls/scotch/scotch.c | 6 +++---
 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

> mpiexec -n 32 ./ex13 -cells 2,4,4, -dm_refine 5 -simplex 0 -dim 3
-potential_petscspace_degree 1 -potential_petscspace_order 1 -pc_type gamg
-petscpartitioner_type simple -pc_gamg_repartition
true -check_pointer_intensity 0

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