After our prediscussion on software tools for a discussion on future design 
plans for PETSc I have started to set up GitLab issues in the PETSc project to 
manage the discussion. They begin with 

   Each has 

     the label petsc-future
     the milestone petsc-future
     and the name of its issue starts with Petsc-future.    If you add new 
issues please use the same template for the introduction and add the label and 

   My filter for email is: if from is 
<>  and subject contains "petsc | Petsc-future"

    The goal of the initial discussions is to get  broad and creative ideas on 
techniques to overcome current PETSc limitations. It is not bash or point out 
flaws in other suggestions (that comes later).  So no idea is too crazy. 
Differential geometry? 

    Once we seem to have run out of fresh ideas on the issues we can move to 
phase two which will be a more critical analysis of the possibilities.

    I want to give the petsc-dev group the first stab at the issues and will 
make broader announcements in the next few days. I will also be updating the 
"rules" in 
<>  occasionally so keep an eye on 

   Thanks for the idea of using issues and how to use them for the discussion, 
seems like a good choice.



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