Model: When working with PETSc master.

    The tests in a "master"  (not necessarily the exact master that the 
external person is using) of the external package run in the CI.

    Goal: The PETSc developer can debug and make changes to PETSc and to the 
external package to fix the programs in the most painless way possible. With 
the least number of steps, MR, and generally forgetting things.

    Example:  I change some PETSc code and the pipeline comes back with a 
failure on a p4pdes example.

    I debug the crashing p4pdes example and fix a problem in it.

    I now want to make a PETSc MR with my new PETSc code and update the copy of 
the external "master" so when my MR get's merged the pipelines will work with 
the external "master". 

  Other Goal:  The developer of the external package can update their code 
asynchronously with our work, that is if they delay we can keep on working on 
stuff on and on and we can update our test version asynchronously from their 

  I proposed a plan with --download-xxx which we already are comfortable with 
and understand. Jed proposed a plan with git tree we are not yet completely 
familiar with.


> On Nov 1, 2020, at 8:56 PM, Satish Balay <> wrote:
> On Sun, 1 Nov 2020, Barry Smith wrote:
>>> On Nov 1, 2020, at 2:57 PM, Jed Brown <> wrote:
>>> Barry Smith <> writes:
>>>>>>  I vote to fix things in our fork or gittree thing continuously since it 
>>>>>> makes it easier to fix things rather than wait to the release when we 
>>>>>> try to find and fix everything and it also helps tell us if we 
>>>>>> introduced a real bug into PETSc and fix PETSc immediately instead of 
>>>>>> waiting up to 6 months, just like we now we test immediately with 
>>>>>> Petsc4py and we should do with SLEPc.  How often we give the updates to 
>>>>>> Ed is a completely different issue. 
>>>>>> So again back to my original statement ,it comes down to if the subtree 
>>>>>> or the fork approach is easier for all the PETSc developers who do not 
>>>>>> currently know gittree and would need to learn it with your approach. I 
>>>>>> don't know which is easier learning to use gittree which has its own 
>>>>>> gotcha's or using mine which we all know but may require an extra step 
>>>>>> (not involving Ed, just updating the commit each time we 
>>>>>> change something in the fork.)
>>>>>> I think using --download-p4pdes on a couple of systems in the CI is 
>>>>>> enough, I don't think we need to put it all CI pipelines (I would like 
>>>>>> slepc in all pipelines).but we could put in all pipelines if we want.
>>>>>> For completeness I show the exact the work flow for my suggestion
>>>>>> pipelines --download-p4pdes and runs its tests
>>>>>> if it breaks the developer uses --download-p4pdes  on their system 
>>>>>>   they fix the problem either by fixing PETSc or what is downloaded from 
>>>>>> the p4pde fork
>>>>>>      if the fix is in the p4pdes fork they make a branch in the p4pdes 
>>>>>> fork, which they already have since they used --download-p4pdes and thus 
>>>>>>                            have the fork on their system
>>>>>>          they put the fix in new branch in the p4pdes fork and push it
>>>>>>          they edit and put a new commit in it pointing to 
>>>>>> their branch in the fork
>>>>>> run the pipeline again
>>>>>>     if fails with p4pdes they do the above again
>>>>>>     else the PETSc branch gets accepted and merged to master
>>>>>>        depending on Ed's choice we make an MR for p4pdes depending on 
>>>>>> the agreed upon cycle. If Ed puts the fix into his master then we just 
>>>>>> update
>>>>>>             our fork with his latest master with a simple merge of his.  
>>>>>> This will then become the new one we test against. If Ed doesn't respond 
>>>>>> to the MR all is fine we 
>>>>>>            just continue on our fork. If he puts other things in his 
>>>>>> branch but not our MR we just merge that into our fork and so are still 
>>>>>> testing with his latest master.
>>>>> As you've enumerated here, this requires three MRs per change:
>>>> You still don't understand my suggested approach.
>>>>> 1. in PETSc with the actual change and to point at a p4pdes commit
>>>>   Yes
>>>>> 2. in p4pdes (Ed's or our fork) to implement needed changes (note: this 
>>>>> can't merge until #1 merges)
>>>>   Not a MR just a new branch (or commit) in the fork off the last branch 
>>>> and the commit that goes into petsc4py from the new branch.
>>>> This is our fork of p4pdes and there is no reason to do MR on it. The MRs 
>>>> are done by Ed based on a schedule Ed picks from here to his repo, if he 
>>>> doesn't like something we've done he requests changes to MR branch as 
>>>> always.
>>>>> 3. in PETSc to point at the merge commit of p4pdes (after #2 merges)
>>>>   No, the MR 1 already has the correct new commit the developer put in 
>>>> step one. 
>>> either needs a branch name or a commit, but in practice, it needs 
>>> to be a commit. Why?
>>> petsc/master works with p4pdes/master
>>> petsc/breaking-change works with p4pdes/breaking-change
>>> We can't merge p4pdes/breaking-change to p4pdes/master until 
>>> petsc/breaking-change merges to petsc/master (otherwise it would break 
>>> everyone else's workflow). But now petsc/master will point at 
>>> p4pdes/breaking-change and needs to be updated after the merge.
>>> Meanwhile, petsc/bug-fix branched off petsc/master prior to this ordeal and 
>>> still points at p4pdes/master, which will break after all the merges occur. 
>>> I guess you could stop the world and tell everyone to rebase or merge from 
>>> master, but that's even more disruptive.
>>> So needs to name a commit, not a branch.  You said:
>>>>>>        depending on Ed's choice we make an MR for p4pdes depending on 
>>>>>> the agreed upon cycle. If Ed puts the fix into his master then we just 
>>>>>> update
>>>>>>             our fork with his latest master with a simple merge of his.  
>>>>>> This will then become the new one we test against.
>>> After any such merge, we need to update with the merge commit.
>>>> For p4pdes release we can do the same thing but make sure for each change 
>>>> we make an MR for Ed immediately. 
>>>>> With subtree, there is only one MR and it's in the PETSc repository. 
>>>> Please show the whole work flow with gittree
>>> Everything is in the PETSc repository and developers don't need to know 
>>> about the p4pdes repository.
>>  From what I read earlier a single commit can include either something in 
>> PETSc and something in petsc subtree but it cannot include both;
> It can include both. Subtree is a way to import (pull) export (push) external 
> repo changes. However once imported - its viewed as a single petsc repo.
>> can a new branch in the PETSc repository encompass both repositories. This 
>> would a less than ideal work flow for developers. Also does a git pull in 
>> the PETSc dir automatically do the pull on the gittree, from the docs it is 
>> not so clear.
>>  But we wasted too much time arguing.   Since you are so convinced that 
>> subtree will work painless set it up and let's use it. Also set it up for 
>> SLEPc.
>>  If it breaks we can switch to another model.
>>  Barry
>>  I don't know why Lisandro and Satish could not get it working for petsc4py 
>> but I fear the same here.
> I've mentioned this in my other e-mail. the subtree model and commands. 
> Currently 'git subtree push' is broken.
> And we should first decide on the workflow wrt constraints and 
> synchronization mode (wrt changes) before fitting in subtree or fork [or 
> other thing].
> Perhaps there is a workflow with subtree that doesn't involve 'git subtree 
> push' - in which case we can use subtree. [also I haven't used 'subtree pull' 
> so don't know if it also has issues]
> Also - don't know why we would need subtree with slepc (as I don't know what 
> workflow is appropriate here).
> both subtree/fork are suitable for asynchronous changes [like we have with 
> pkg-mumps etc] where we have changes that are not easy to push to upstream 
> [some might be accepted - after a delay - and some are not].
> For synchronous changes - its best to work with the 'primary' repo. Wrt 
> petsc4py - we used subtree to migrate the primary repo [for petsc4py sources] 
> to petsc. But slepc?
> Note: with 2 different "primary" repos - there will always be a 
> synchronization cost - it just moves around [with subtree vs the current mode 
> of directly using upstream slepc] - the cost is not eliminated. subtree [with 
> 2 primary repos] - will primarily help with delayed synchronization.
> Satish
>>> Once per release (or whenever Ed feels like pulling), either
>>> * Ed runs git subtree push to his repository, OR
>>> * Satish or me runs git subtree push to our fork of p4pdes and sends Ed a PR

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