Yes you're right. I forgot to mention that the OpenMP schedule used by the
multi-threaded system was a static schedule as well (#pragma omp parallel


On Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 3:26 PM Victor Eijkhout <>

> On , 2021Dec11, at 17:56, Rohan Yadav <> wrote:
> 40 mpi ranks on a single node should be similar performance as 40 threads.
> Both petsc and taco are doing a row-based parallelism strategy so it should
> line up.
> An MPI division of rows is static. Petsc divides strictly by numbers of
> rows.
> A thread based system can do things like “schedule(guided)” (OpenMP) and
> get better load balancing if the rows have widely differing numbers of
> nonzero.
> Victor.

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