> On Jan 25, 2022, at 12:25 PM, Jed Brown <j...@jedbrown.org> wrote:
> Barry Smith <bsm...@petsc.dev> writes:
>>> On Jan 25, 2022, at 11:55 AM, Jed Brown <j...@jedbrown.org> wrote:
>>> Barry Smith <bsm...@petsc.dev> writes:
>>>> Thanks Mark, far more interesting. I've improved the formatting to make it 
>>>> easier to read (and fixed width font for email reading)
>>>> * Can you do same run with say 10 iterations of Jacobi PC?
>>>> * PCApply performance (looks like GAMG) is terrible! Problems too small?
>>> This is -pc_type jacobi.
>>  Dang, how come it doesn't warn about all the gamg arguments passed to the 
>> program? I saw them and jump to the wrong conclusion.
> We don't have -options_left by default. Mark has a big .petscrc or 
>>  How come PCApply is so low while Pointwise mult (which should be all of 
>> PCApply) is high?
> I also think that's weird.
>>>> * VecScatter time is completely dominated by SFPack! Junchao what's up 
>>>> with that? Lots of little kernels in the PCApply? PCJACOBI run will help 
>>>> clarify where that is coming from.
>>> It's all in MatMult.
>>> I'd like to see a run that doesn't wait for the GPU.
>>  Indeed
> What is the command line option to turn 
> PetscLogGpuTimeBegin/PetscLogGpuTimeEnd into a no-op even when -log_view is 
> on? I know it'll mess up attribution, but it'll still tell us how long the 
> solve took.

  We don't have an API for this yet. It is slightly tricky because turning it 
off will also break the regular -log_view for some stuff like VecAXPY(); 
anything that doesn't have a needed synchronization with the CPU.) 

  Because of this I think Mark should just put a PetscTime() around KSPSolve 
run without -log_view and we can compare that number to the one from -log_view 
to see how much the synchronousness of PetscLogGPUTime is causing. Ad hoc yes, 
but a quick easy way to get the information.

> Also, can we make WaitForKokkos a no-op? I don't think it's necessary for 
> correctness (docs indicate kokkos::fence synchronizes).

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