
If you’re interested, you can follow the online minisymposium on Julia for HPC 
later today (register for free):

Perhaps also relevant is the one of yesterday, on differentiable Earth system 


On 25. Jul 2022, at 23:34, Barry Smith 
<bsm...@petsc.dev<mailto:bsm...@petsc.dev>> wrote:

   A  major problem with writing a completely new version of a large code base 
is that one has to start with nothing and slowly build up to everything, which 
can take years. Years in which you need to continue to maintain the old 
version, people want to continue to add functionality to the old version, and 
people want to continue to use the old version because the new version doesn't 
have "the functionality the user needs" ready yet.

  Is there an approach where we can have a new PETSc API/language/paradigm but 
start with a very thin layer on the current API so it just works from day one?

  *   to this would seem to require if PETSc future is not in C, there has to 
be a very, very easy way and low error-prone way to wrap PETSc current to be 
called from the new language. For example, how petsc4py wraps seems too manual 
and too error-prone. C++ can easily and low-error prone call C, any other 
viable candidates?

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