Yes, this is supported. You can use VecGetArrayAndMemType() to get access to 
device memory. You'll often use DMGlobalToLocalBegin/End() or VecScatter to 
communicate, but that will use GPU-aware MPI if your Vec is a device vector.

Han Tran <> writes:

> Hi,
> I am aware that PETSc recently supports solvers on GPU. I wonder whether 
> PETSc supports MatShell with GPU solvers, i.e., I have a user-defined 
> MatMult() function residing on the device, and I want to use MatShell 
> directly with PETSc GPU solvers without any transfer back and forth between 
> host and device. If this is possible, could you let me know how to do this 
> (an example, if any, would be very appreciated)?
> Thank you!
> Han

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