
I had a similiar problem, I used the "sequence" statement in the
type definition and it worked for me.

type particle
real x,y,z
integer number
end type particle

good luck,

On Sat, 20 Jan 2007, Ben Tay wrote:

> Hi,
> I've encountered some MPI programming problems. Does anyone know of a
> mailing list sort of discussion forum similar to this PETSc one which deals
> with MPI?
<> Btw, my question is as follow, it will be great if someone can help too 
> It's in fortran but I guess it should be similar in C. Put it simply, how do
> I broadcast part of a derived type variable to other processors ie
> type particle
> real x,y,z
> integer number
> end type particle
> type(particle) part(10,10)
> So I want to broadcast part(:,:)%x to other processors. How can I do that? I
> tried to use:
> call MPI_BCAST(part(i,j)%x, 1, MPI_Real,1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) but it
> can't work.
> Thank you very much

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