>>> website looks like it hasn't been updated since 2007. Maybe PLAPACK
>>> is in need of some maintenance? You said "nonsquare", is plapack working 
>>> for you for square matrices ?
>> Yes, it works for square matrices.
>> See ~petsc/src/mat/examples/tests/ex103.c and ex107.c
>> Hong
> Hi Hong,
> Does Petsc/Plapack work for you for MatMatMult operations
> on square dense parallel matrices? the tests above seem to have matmult 
> operations but not matmatmult.
Sorry, I thought you want use plapack for solving
Ax=b for square matrix.

No, MatMatMult() does not work for square
parallel matrices either.
ex123.c crashes on square matrix as well.
I'll try to investigate it when time permits.


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