On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 10:09, jean-frederic thebault <
jean-frederic at thebault-net.com> wrote:

> First of all, thank you for this library.
> View years ago, we had mixed our (f77) finite volume code with petsc, and
> obtained some very interested results (faster calculations, multi-processor
> issues, ..), with a 4 linux-PC cluster and a myrinet switch, and petsc-2.1.3
> Regarding the new PC architecture (multi-threading), the same mixed code
> apparently is calculating slower each time we increase the number of
> processors used (processor or core, I'm not sure to use the right word). We
> thought that time that we should upgrade our petsc library (with
> petsc-3.1-p8)

Please use petsc-3.2

> to have benefit of the multi-threading architecture. So do we, changing a
> little bit some stuff (merrely "include" names). We compiled it with
> mpif77. The fortran-samples of petsc are working just fine. But our code
> doesn't work. We have tried a lot of different options and tried for view
> weeks to figure out what is happening, nothing.

The calling sequence for MatSetOption() has changed. You are likely calling
it incorrectly.

The compiler tells you about these things in C. Fortran 77 type checking is
nonexistant so the compiler doesn't check these things. If you use F90 or
later, you can turn on interface definitions to get some rudimentary type
checking. Type checking is much better in C.
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