On Dec 14, 2011, at 7:07 AM, M.Younas wrote:

>  Hi, PETSc, Team,
> I have solved a non-symmetric Poisson problem using GMRES(m) as solver and 
> BoomerAMG (from Hypre) as preconditioner. But I don't understand how the 
> BoomerAMG works as preconditioner with GMRES(m). Can anyone explain the 
> procedure? Does it work like BoomerAMG precondition the liner system first 
> (once only) and then GMRES(m) is being used for stopping criterion?

   By default PETSc uses ONE v-cycle of the BoomerAMG as a preconditioner for 

   With the option -ksp_type richardson then PETSc is using a bunch of 
BoomerAMG v-cycles until the convergence criteria is satisfied without using a 


Note that a preconditioner can be any stationary linear iterative scheme. That 
is any linear operation that approximately solves A x = b, no matter how 
complicated the stationary linear iterative scheme is it can be used as a 

> Kind regards,
> Younas
> RUG, Groningen, The Netherlands.

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