
I am working on a fluid-mechanical code to solve the two-phase 
Navier?Stokes equations with levelset interface capturing. I have been 
asked to replace the pressure calculation which uses the SOR and Jacobi 
iterative schemes with a Krylov subspace method. I have done this and 
the code is working but as I have never used PETSc before I would like 
to know if improvements to my code, or the run time parameters that I am 
using, could be made.

I am using GMRES with a Block Jacobi pre-conditioner. I have tried 
Conjugate Gradient with a Block Jacobi pre-conditioner but it diverges. 
If I use GMRES for the first few thousand time steps and then swap to CG 
it does converge but the speed of execution is somewhat reduced.

I have attached relevant excerpts from the code.

Yours sincerely,

David Scott
Dr. D. M. Scott
Applications Consultant
Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre
Tel. 0131 650 5921

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
-------------- next part --------------
program mainprogram
        use petsc
        use pressure_solver

        implicit none

#include "finclude/petscdef.h"

        ! Many declarations deleted.

        PetscInt :: dof,stencil_width
        parameter (dof = 1, stencil_width = 1)
        DM :: da
        KSP :: ksp
        PetscInt :: petsc_y_ranges(0:num_procs_x-1)
        PetscReal :: rtol, abstol, dtol
        PetscInt :: maxits, its
        KSPType :: solver_type
        PC :: pc
        PCType :: pc_type
        PCSide :: pc_side
        double precision :: div_grad_p, residual
        MatNullSpace :: nullspace
        PetscReal :: rnorm

! MPI stuff                

        call PetscInitialize(PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER,ierr)
        call MPI_Comm_size(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,num_procs,ierr)
        call MPI_Comm_rank(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,my_id,ierr)

          write(*,*) 'num_procs=', num_procs
            write(*,*) 'Error 1: domain decomposition inconsistent with number 
of processors, exiting'
          end if
            write(*,*) 'Error 2: domain decomposition inconsistent with number 
of processors, exiting'
          end if
            write(*,*) 'Error 3: number of processors must evenly divide (grid 
dimension-1), exiting'
          end if
        end if

        dims(1) = num_procs_x
        dims(2) = num_procs_y
        dims(3) = num_procs_z
        periodic(1) = .false.
        periodic(2) = .true.
        periodic(3) = .false.
        reorder = .false.

        Call mpi_comm_rank(  comm2d_quasiperiodic,my_id,ierr)
        Call mpi_cart_coords(comm2d_quasiperiodic,my_id,Ndim,coords,ierr)
        Call get_mpi_neighbours(neighbours,comm2d_quasiperiodic)


        petsc_y_ranges = n_local_x
        petsc_y_ranges(0) = n_local_x + 1
        petsc_y_ranges(num_procs_x-1) = n_local_x + 1

        call DMDACreate3d(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,                               &
             DMDA_BOUNDARY_PERIODIC,                                      &
             DMDA_BOUNDARY_NONE,                                          &
             DMDA_BOUNDARY_NONE,                                          &
             DMDA_STENCIL_BOX,                                            &
             global_dim_x, global_dim_y+2, global_dim_z+2,                &
             num_procs_y, num_procs_x, num_procs_z,                       &
             dof, stencil_width,                                          &
             PETSC_NULL_INTEGER,                                          &
             petsc_y_ranges,                                              &
             PETSC_NULL_INTEGER,                                          &
             da, ierr)

        call KSPCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, ksp, ierr)
        call KSPSetFromOptions(ksp, ierr)
        call DMSetInitialGuess(da, copy_pressure_in_to_petsc, ierr)
        call KSPSetComputeRHS(ksp, compute_rhs, PETSC_NULL_OBJECT, ierr)
        call KSPSetComputeOperators(ksp, compute_matrix, PETSC_NULL_OBJECT, 
        call KSPSetDM(ksp, da, ierr)
        call MatNullSpaceCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, PETSC_TRUE, 0, 
PETSC_NULL_OBJECT, nullspace, ierr)
        call KSPSetNullSpace(ksp, nullspace, ierr)
        call MatNullSpaceDestroy(nullspace, ierr)

        call calculate_indices(da, sx, sy, ex, ey, n_local_x, n_local_y, my_id, 

        ! Initialisation code deleted.

        ! Time loop
        do iteration=1,n_timesteps

          ! Velocity calculations (including RHS_p) deleted.

          call KSPSolve(ksp, PETSC_NULL_OBJECT, PETSC_NULL_OBJECT, ierr)

          if (my_id==60) then
            call output_converged_reason(ksp)
            call KSPGetResidualNorm(ksp, rnorm, ierr)
            write(*, *) 'approximate, preconditioned, residual norm', rnorm
            call KSPGetIterationNumber(ksp, its, ierr)
            write(*, *) 'iterations =', its
          end if

          call copy_pressure_out_of_petsc(ksp, ierr)

          ! Some more velocity stuff deleted.
        end do

        call PetscFinalize(ierr)
end program mainprogram
-------------- next part --------------
module pressure_solver
        use petsc
        implicit none

#include "finclude/petscdef.h"

        PetscInt :: maxl, maxm, maxn
        parameter (maxl = 481, maxm = 153, maxn = 153)
        ! Note that the first two dimensions are swapped so that as far as 
PETSc is concerned
        ! it is the first dimension that is periodic.
        PetscInt :: global_dim_x, global_dim_y, global_dim_z
        parameter (global_dim_x = maxm-1, global_dim_y = maxl-1, global_dim_z = 
        PetscInt :: x_start, y_start, z_start, x_width, y_width, z_width
        PetscInt :: x_max, y_max, z_max
        PetscInt :: x_start_ghost, y_start_ghost, z_start_ghost
        PetscInt :: x_width_ghost, y_width_ghost, z_width_ghost
        PetscInt ::  x_max_ghost, y_max_ghost, z_max_ghost
        PetscScalar, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :) :: pres
        PetscScalar :: dx, dy, dz, dt
        PetscScalar, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :) :: RHS_p, u3
        PetscScalar :: u_inlet(0:global_dim_z-1)


    subroutine calculate_indices(da, sx, sy, ex, ey, n_local_x, n_local_y, 
rank, ierr)
        implicit none

        DM :: da
        PetscInt :: sx, sy, ex, ey, n_local_x, n_local_y, rank
        PetscInt :: ierr

        call DMDAGetCorners(da, x_start, y_start, z_start, x_width, y_width, 
z_width, ierr)
        x_max = x_start + x_width - 1
        y_max = y_start + y_width - 1
        z_max = z_start + z_width - 1

        if (sx==1 .AND. ((sx-1).NE.y_start .OR. ex/=y_max)) then
          write(*, *) 'ID1', rank, 'sx-1, y_start, ex, y_max, n_local_x, 
y_width', sx-1, y_start, ex, y_max, n_local_x, y_width
        end if
        if (ex==(maxl-1) .AND. (sx.NE.y_start .OR. (ex+1)/=y_max)) then
          write(*, *) 'ID2', rank, 'sx, y_start, ex+1, y_max, n_local_x, 
y_width', sx, y_start, ex+1, y_max, n_local_x, y_width
        end if
        if ((sx/=1 .AND. ex/=(maxl-1)) .AND. (sx/=y_start .OR. ex/=y_max)) then
          write(*, *) 'ID3', rank, 'sx, y_start, ex, y_max, n_local_x, 
y_width', sx, y_start, ex, y_max, n_local_x, y_width
        end if
        if (sy/=(x_start+1) .OR. ey/=(x_max+1)) then
          write(*, *) 'ID4', rank, 'sy, x_start, ey, x_max, n_local_y, 
x_width', sy, x_start, ey, x_max, n_local_y, x_width
        end if

        call DMDAGetGhostCorners(da, x_start_ghost, y_start_ghost, 
z_start_ghost,  &
                                 x_width_ghost, y_width_ghost, z_width_ghost, 
        x_max_ghost = x_start_ghost + x_width_ghost - 1
        y_max_ghost = y_start_ghost + y_width_ghost - 1
        z_max_ghost = z_start_ghost + z_width_ghost - 1

        if ((sx-1)/=y_start_ghost .OR. (ex+1)/=y_max_ghost) then
          write(*, *) 'GHOST1', rank, 'sx-1, y_start_ghost, ex+1, y_max_ghost', 
            sx-1, y_start_ghost, ex+1, y_max_ghost
        end if
        if ((sy-1)/=(x_start_ghost+1) .OR. (ey+1)/=(x_max_ghost+1)) then
          write(*, *) 'GHOST2', rank, 'sy-1, x_start_ghost+1, ey+1, 
x_max_ghost+1',  &
            sy-1, x_start_ghost+1, ey+1, x_max_ghost+1
        end if
        if (z_start/=z_start_ghost .OR. z_width/=z_width_ghost) then
          write(*, *) 'GHOST3', rank, 'z_start, z_start_ghost, z_width, 
z_width_ghost',  &
            z_start, z_start_ghost, z_width, z_width_ghost
        end if

    end subroutine calculate_indices

    subroutine copy_pressure_in_to_petsc(dm, x, ierr)
        implicit none
        ! This routine copies the data generated by the other parts of the TPLS 
code into
        ! locations where they can be accessed by PETSc.
        ! The global pressure array in the non-PETSc code is 
pres_global(0:maxl, 0:maxm, 0:maxn).
        ! This includes a bounday layer on all sides even though the second 
dimension is periodic
        ! as the periodic structure is implemented by copying data one interior 
face of the cuboid
        ! to the opposite face in the boundary layer.
        ! So the interior is (1:maxl-1, 1:maxm-1, 1:maxn-1).
        ! The indexing of the data in the PETSc code is different for two 
        !  * PETSc lays out data on processes differently from the way that it 
is done in the
        !    non-PETSc code which necessitates swapping of the first two 
        !  * PETSc is instructed to impose the periodic boundary condition 
behind the scenes
        !    (through specifying DMDA_BOUNDARY_PERIODIC for the appropriate 
dimesnion). The
        !    ghost points that are required to do this are not visible in the 
global vector,
        !    but they do appear in the local vectors.
        ! Consequently the interior in the PETSc code is (0:maxm-2, 1:maxl-1, 
        ! which may written as (0:global_dim_x-1, 1:global_dim_y, 
        ! Including the explicit boundaries we have
        !   (0:global_dim_x-1, 0:global_dim_y+1, 0:global_dim_z+1) or 
(0:maxm-2, 0:maxl, 0:maxn)
        ! Including the ghost points supplied by PETSc we have
        !   (-1:global_dim_x, 0:global_dim_y+1, 0:global_dim_z+1) or 
(-1:maxm-1, 0:maxl, 0:maxn)
        ! Let a pressure datum have coordinates (i1, j1, k1) in the non-PETSc 
code and
        ! (i2, j2, k2) in the PETSc code, then
        ! i2 = j1 - 1
        ! j2 = i1
        ! k2 = k1, or
        ! i1 = j2
        ! j1 = i2+1
        ! k1 = k2.

        DM, intent(inout) :: dm
        Vec, intent(inout) :: x  ! x is a global vector.
        PetscErrorCode, intent(inout) ::  ierr

        PetscScalar, pointer, dimension(:, :, :) :: x_3da
        PetscInt :: i, j, k

        call DMDAVecGetArrayF90(dm, x, x_3da, ierr)

        do k = z_start, z_max
          do j = y_start, y_max
            do i = x_start, x_max
              x_3da(i, j, k) = pres(j, i+1, k)
            end do
          end do
        end do

        call DMDAVecRestoreArrayF90(dm, x, x_3da, ierr)

    end subroutine copy_pressure_in_to_petsc

    subroutine compute_rhs(ksp, b, dummy, ierr)
        implicit none

        KSP, intent(inout) :: ksp
        Vec, intent(inout) :: b  ! b is a global vector.
        integer, intent(inout) :: dummy(*)
        PetscErrorCode, intent(inout) :: ierr

        PetscScalar, pointer, dimension(:, :, :) :: b_3da
        PetscInt :: i, j, k
        DM :: dm

        call KSPGetDM(ksp, dm, ierr)

        call DMDAVecGetArrayF90(dm, b, b_3da, ierr)

        do k = z_start, z_max
          do j = y_start, y_max
            do i = x_start, x_max
              b_3da(i, j, k) = -RHS_p(j, i+1, k)
            end do
          end do
        end do

        if (y_start==0) then
          do k = 1, global_dim_z
            do i = x_start, x_max
              b_3da(i, 0, k) = (dx/dt)*(u_inlet(k-1)-u3(0, i ,k-1))/dy
            end do
          end do
        end if

        call DMDAVecRestoreArrayF90(dm, b, b_3da, ierr)

    end subroutine compute_rhs

    subroutine compute_matrix(ksp, A, B, str, dummy, ierr)
        implicit none

        KSP, intent(inout) :: ksp
        Mat, intent(inout) :: A, B
        MatStructure, intent(inout) :: str
        integer, intent(inout) :: dummy(*)
        PetscErrorCode, intent(inout) :: ierr

        PetscInt :: i, j, k
        PetscScalar    :: v(7)
        MatStencil     :: row(4), col(4, 7)

        do k = z_start, z_max
          do j = y_start, y_max
            do i = x_start, x_max
              row(MatStencil_i) = i
              row(MatStencil_j) = j
              row(MatStencil_k) = k
              ! Deal with the edges of the cuboid.
              ! The edges with i=0 and i=(global_dim_x-1) are taken care of by 
the periodic boundary condition.
              if ((j==0 .AND. k==0) .OR.                  &
                  (j==(global_dim_y+1) .AND. k==0)) then
                v(1) = 1/dz
                  col(MatStencil_i, 1) = i
                  col(MatStencil_j, 1) = j
                  col(MatStencil_k, 1) = k
                v(2) = -1/dz
                  col(MatStencil_i, 2) = i
                  col(MatStencil_j, 2) = j
                  col(MatStencil_k, 2) = k+1
                call MatSetValuesStencil(B, 1, row, 2, col, v, INSERT_VALUES, 
              else if ((j==0 .AND. k==(global_dim_z+1)) .OR.                  &
                       (j==(global_dim_y+1) .AND. k==(global_dim_z+1))) then
               v(1) = -1/dz
                  col(MatStencil_i, 1) = i
                  col(MatStencil_j, 1) = j
                  col(MatStencil_k, 1) = k
                 v(2) = 1/dz
                  col(MatStencil_i, 2) = i
                  col(MatStencil_j, 2) = j
                  col(MatStencil_k, 2) = k-1
                call MatSetValuesStencil(B, 1, row, 2, col, v, INSERT_VALUES, 
              ! Deal with the faces of the cuboid, excluding the edges and the 
              ! The faces i=0 and i=(global_dim_x-1) are taken care of by the 
periodic boundary condition.
              else if (j==0) then
                ! Von Neumann boundary condition on y=0 boundary.
                v(1) = 1/dy
                  col(MatStencil_i, 1) = i
                  col(MatStencil_j, 1) = j
                  col(MatStencil_k, 1) = k
                v(2) = -1/dy
                  col(MatStencil_i, 2) = i
                  col(MatStencil_j, 2) = j+1
                  col(MatStencil_k, 2) = k
                call MatSetValuesStencil(B, 1, row, 2, col, v, INSERT_VALUES, 
              else if (j==(global_dim_y+1)) then
                ! Von Neumann boundary condition on y=(global_dim_y+1) boundary.
                v(1) = -1/dy
                  col(MatStencil_i, 1) = i
                  col(MatStencil_j, 1) = j
                  col(MatStencil_k, 1) = k
                v(2) = 1/dy
                  col(MatStencil_i, 2) = i
                  col(MatStencil_j, 2) = j-1
                  col(MatStencil_k, 2) = k
                call MatSetValuesStencil(B, 1, row, 2, col, v, INSERT_VALUES, 
              else if (k==0) then
                ! Von Neumann boundary condition on z=0 boundary.
                v(1) = 1/dz
                  col(MatStencil_i, 1) = i
                  col(MatStencil_j, 1) = j
                  col(MatStencil_k, 1) = k
                v(2) = -1/dz
                  col(MatStencil_i, 2) = i
                  col(MatStencil_j, 2) = j
                  col(MatStencil_k, 2) = k+1
                call MatSetValuesStencil(B, 1, row, 2, col, v, INSERT_VALUES, 
              else if (k==(global_dim_z+1)) then
                ! Von Neumann boundary conditions on z=(global_dim_z+1) 
                v(1) = -1/dz
                  col(MatStencil_i, 1) = i
                  col(MatStencil_j, 1) = j
                  col(MatStencil_k, 1) = k
                 v(2) = 1/dz
                  col(MatStencil_i, 2) = i
                  col(MatStencil_j, 2) = j
                  col(MatStencil_k, 2) = k-1
                call MatSetValuesStencil(B, 1, row, 2, col, v, INSERT_VALUES, 
                ! Deal with the interior.
                ! Laplacian in 3D.
                v(1) = -1/dz**2
                  col(MatStencil_i, 1) = i
                  col(MatStencil_j, 1) = j
                  col(MatStencil_k, 1) = k-1
                v(2) = -1/dy**2
                  col(MatStencil_i, 2) = i
                  col(MatStencil_j, 2) = j-1
                  col(MatStencil_k, 2) = k
                v(3) = -1/dx**2
                  col(MatStencil_i, 3) = i-1
                  col(MatStencil_j, 3) = j
                  col(MatStencil_k, 3) = k
                v(4) = 2*(1/dx**2+1/dy**2+1/dz**2)
                  col(MatStencil_i, 4) = i
                  col(MatStencil_j, 4) = j
                  col(MatStencil_k, 4) = k
                v(5) = -1/dx**2
                  col(MatStencil_i, 5) = i+1
                  col(MatStencil_j, 5) = j
                  col(MatStencil_k, 5) = k
                v(6) = -1/dy**2
                  col(MatStencil_i, 6) = i
                  col(MatStencil_j, 6) = j+1
                  col(MatStencil_k, 6) = k
                v(7) = -1/dz**2
                  col(MatStencil_i, 7) = i
                  col(MatStencil_j, 7) = j
                  col(MatStencil_k, 7) = k+1
                call MatSetValuesStencil(B, 1, row, 7, col, v, INSERT_VALUES, 
              end if
            end do
          end do
        end do

        call MatAssemblyBegin(B, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY, ierr)
        call MatAssemblyEnd(B, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY, ierr)


        if (A.ne.B) then
          call MatAssemblyBegin(A, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY, ierr)
          call MatAssemblyEnd(A, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY, ierr)

    end subroutine compute_matrix

    subroutine copy_pressure_out_of_petsc(ksp, ierr)
        implicit none

        KSP, intent(in) :: ksp
        PetscErrorCode, intent(out) ::  ierr

        DM :: dm
        Vec :: global_vector
        Vec :: local_vector
        PetscScalar, pointer, dimension(:, :, :) :: local_vector_3da, 
        PetscInt :: i, j, k

        call KSPGetDM(ksp, dm, ierr)
        call KSPGetSolution(ksp, global_vector, ierr)
        call DMCreateLocalVector(dm, local_vector, ierr)
        call DMGlobalToLocalBegin(dm, global_vector, INSERT_VALUES, 
local_vector, ierr)
        call DMGlobalToLocalEnd(dm, global_vector, INSERT_VALUES, local_vector, 

        call DMDAVecGetArrayF90(dm, local_vector, local_vector_3da, ierr)
        call DMDAVecGetArrayF90(dm, global_vector, global_vector_3da, ierr)

        do k = z_start_ghost, z_max_ghost
          do j = y_start_ghost, y_max_ghost
            do i = x_start_ghost, x_max_ghost
              pres(j, i+1, k) = local_vector_3da(i, j, k)
            end do
          end do
        end do

        call DMDAVecRestoreArrayF90(dm, global_vector, global_vector_3da, ierr)
        call DMDAVecRestoreArrayF90(dm, local_vector, local_vector_3da, ierr)

        ! The following call is required to prevent a memory leak.
        call VecDestroy(local_vector, ierr)

    end subroutine copy_pressure_out_of_petsc

end module pressure_solver

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