For linear solvers, bjacobi/ilu(0) is the default PETSc preconditioner.
You can change it with option '-pc_type <>', and
use '-ksp_view' to check what solver is being used.


Dear All:
> When I am solving a linear system. in command line I use:
> -ksp_type=cr
> then in the output file:
> I have : job75557 7959 5e+00 2.8e+02 1.0e-01 2.8e+02  bjacobi blks=128
> ilu     lvls=0,order=natural
> When I am using:
> -ksp_type cr _pc_type bjacobi
> the output file looks the same.
> From the driver source code:
> bjacobi blks=128 ilu
> is the kspinfo output.
> I am wondering, Does this mean that bjacobi is the default preconditioner
> for cr?
> Thanks
> Qiyue Lu

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