Dear Sir,
I see an error:

Transient compute from 0 ps step 0.2 ps to 3000 ps
t = 0.2 ps, dt = 0.2 ps
  process particle generation....................ok
  Gummel electron equation CONVERGED_ATOL, residual 5.41824e-12, its 4
  Gummel hole equation CONVERGED_ATOL, residual 4.6721e-13, its 4
--------------------- Error Message ------------------------------------
Fatal Error:Error reported by MUMPS in numerical factorization phase: Cannot 
allocate required memory 990883164 megabytes
 at line 721 in 
which reported that MUMPS requires 990883164 megabytes of memory.
The memory requirement is too huge so I takes a look at the reason.

The code in petsc is listed below:

if (mumps->id.INFOG(1) < 0) {
 if (mumps->id.INFO(1) == -13) 
SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"Error reported by MUMPS in numerical 
factorization phase: Cannot allocate required memory %d 

However, the mumps user's guide said 

–13 An error occurred in a Fortran ALLOCATE statement. The size that the 
package requested is
available in INFO(2). If INFO(2) is negative, then the size that the package 
requested is obtained
by multiplying the absolute value of INFO(2) by 1 million.

It is clear that 990883164 megabytes should be 990883164 bytes here. Hope this 
bug can be fixed.

Gong Ding

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