Thanks. Also, the physics seems to be controlled by the "op" variable?
Is there an interface to change the physics from the user code ?

switch (op) {  case LAPLACIAN:    if (useF0) {ierr =
PetscSNPrintfCount(string_tail, end_of_buffer - string_tail, "
f_0[fidx] = 4.0;\n", &count);STRING_ERROR_CHECK("Message to short");}
  if (useF1) {      if (useAux) {ierr =
PetscSNPrintfCount(string_tail, end_of_buffer - string_tail, "
f_1[fidx] = a[cell]*gradU[cidx];\n",
&count);STRING_ERROR_CHECK("Message to short");}      else
{ierr = PetscSNPrintfCount(string_tail, end_of_buffer - string_tail, "
     f_1[fidx] = gradU[cidx];\n", &count);STRING_ERROR_CHECK("Message
to short");}    }    break;  case ELASTICITY:    if (useF0) {i

On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 5:03 AM, Karl Rupp <> wrote:

> Hi David,
> > I'm trying to use
>> -variable_coefficient field  with -petscfe_type opencl -mat_petscfe_type
>>   opencl
>> constant coefficients "-variable_coefficient none" works fine, but I am
>> getting NaN in my residual vector for spatially varying coefficients.
>> I tried changing N_t manually for N_comp_aux =1, also tried setting my
>> variable coefficient field to a constant at each quadrature point to see
>> if any difference.
> This is - unfortunately - a known issue, where we currently don't know
> whether this is a race condition in the OpenCL kernel, or something goes
> wrong with the data setup. I expect this to require rather more elaborate
> debugging, so unfortunately I can only advise you to wait until this is
> fixed...
> Best regards,
> Karli

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