
>    Im a masters student from Indian Institute of Technology delhi. Im
working on PETSc.. for performance, which is my area of interest. Can
you please help me in knowing 'How to run PETSc on MIC' .    That would
be of great help to me.

my experience is that 'performance' and 'MIC' for bandwidth-limited operations don't go together. Regardless, you can use ViennaCL by building via
for using the MIC via OpenCL, but you are usually much better off with a proper multi-socket CPU node.

Feel free to have a look at my recent slides from the Intl. OpenCL Workshop here:
PDF page 32 shows that in the OpenCL case one achieves only up to 20% of peak bandwidth for 1900 different kernel configurations even for simple kernels such as vector copy, vector addition, dot products, or dense matrix-vector products. With some tricks one can probably get 30%, but that's it.

PETSc does not provide any 'native' OpenMP execution on MIC for similar reasons.

Best regards,

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