Rongliang Chen <> writes:

> Thanks Matt and Jed,
> I am trying to write a parallel FVM code on unstructured grid for 
> compressible NS equations. I found that the finite volume code on the 
> structured mesh is easy to write but for the unstructured mesh, it is 
> really untrivial. I want to follow the PETSc's DMPlexFV but it is not 
> easy to read, so I want to find a good book for it.

There is no book specific to PETSc's interfaces.  What sort of equations
are you solving?  For hyperbolic systems, you can look at
src/ts/examples/tutorials/ex11.c.  Make sure to set up global/tags so
you can jump to the library implementations, or look at an older version
that doesn't hide the actual discretization in overly-specialized
library functions.  (Matt and I wrote this example together, but
disagree about which parts belong in the library.)

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