El 25/03/2015, a las 21:29, Harshad Sahasrabudhe escribió:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to use the ARPACK interface in SLEPc for calculating smallest 
> eigenvalues with eigenvectors of a generalized eigenproblem. The matrices are 
> symmetric.
> What are the suggested linear solvers/preconditioners for this type of a 
> system when using ARPACK? I am using shift and invert with a shift of 0.
> I get a lot of spurious eigenvalues when I use GMRES linear solver or MUMPS 
> for LU factorization. Chebyshev doesn't seem to converge (I don't have a good 
> guess for the higher end of eigenvalues). 
> Thanks,
> Harshad

With MUMPS you should not get spurious eigenvalues. Did you try the krylovschur 
solver? How do you know the eigenvalues are wrong? Are you setting problem type 
to GHEP?


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