On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 11:36 AM, Adrian Maldonado <dmald...@hawk.iit.edu>

> Hi,
> I am trying to understand some of the data structures DMPlex/DMNetwork
> creates and the relationship among them.
> As an example, I have an small test circuit (/src/ksp/ksp/examples/
> tutorials/network/ex1.c).
> This is a graph that consists on 6 edges and 4 vertices, each one of those
> having one degree of freedom.  When ran with two processors, each rank will
> own 3 edges. Rank 0 will own one vertex (3 ghost) and Rank 1 will own 3
> vertices.
> These are some data structures for this problem. I am getting these data
> structures inside DMNetworkDistribute
> <http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/petsc-current/docs/manualpages/DM/DMNetworkDistribute.html>
> DM Object: Parallel Mesh 2 MPI processes
>   type: plex
> Parallel Mesh in 1 dimensions:
>   0-cells: 4 3
>   1-cells: 3 3
> Labels:
>   depth: 2 strata of sizes (4, 3)
> This, as  I understand, is printing a tree with all the vertices and edges
> in each processor (owned and ghost).
> PetscSection Object: 2 MPI processes
>   type not yet set
> Process 0:
>   (   0) dim  1 offset   0
>   (   1) dim  1 offset   1
>   (   2) dim  1 offset   2
>   (   3) dim  1 offset   3
>   (   4) dim -2 offset  -8
>   (   5) dim -2 offset  -9
>   (   6) dim -2 offset -10
> Process 1:
>   (   0) dim  1 offset   4
>   (   1) dim  1 offset   5
>   (   2) dim  1 offset   6
>   (   3) dim  1 offset   7
>   (   4) dim  1 offset   8
>   (   5) dim  1 offset   9
> This is a global PETSc section that gives me the global numbering for the
> owned points and (garbage?) negative values for ghost.
> Until here everything is good. But then I print the PetscSF that is
> created by  'DMPlexDistribute'. This I do not understand:

1) You are looking at the MigrationSF, not the eventual PointSF or OffsetSF
from the DM. You need

  DMGetDefaultSF or DMGetPointSF

for those.

2) Notice that edges 0,1,3 are sent to proc 0, and edges 2,4,5 are sent to
proc 1.


> PetscSF Object: Migration SF 2 MPI processes
>   type: basic
>     sort=rank-order
>   [0] Number of roots=10, leaves=7, remote ranks=1
>   [0] 0 <- (0,0)
>   [0] 1 <- (0,1)
>   [0] 2 <- (0,3)
>   [0] 3 <- (0,6)
>   [0] 4 <- (0,7)
>   [0] 5 <- (0,8)
>   [0] 6 <- (0,9)
>   [1] Number of roots=0, leaves=6, remote ranks=1
>   [1] 0 <- (0,2)
>   [1] 1 <- (0,4)
>   [1] 2 <- (0,5)
>   [1] 3 <- (0,7)
>   [1] 4 <- (0,8)
>   [1] 5 <- (0,9)
>   [0] Roots referenced by my leaves, by rank
>   [0] 0: 7 edges
>   [0]    0 <- 0
>   [0]    1 <- 1
>   [0]    2 <- 3
>   [0]    3 <- 6
>   [0]    4 <- 7
>   [0]    5 <- 8
>   [0]    6 <- 9
>   [1] Roots referenced by my leaves, by rank
>   [1] 0: 6 edges
>   [1]    0 <- 2
>   [1]    1 <- 4
>   [1]    2 <- 5
>   [1]    3 <- 7
>   [1]    4 <- 8
>   [1]    5 <- 9
> I understand that SF is a data structure that saves references to pieces
> of data that are now owned by the process (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1506.
> 06194v1.pdf, page 4).
> Since the only ghost nodes appear in rank 0 (three ghost vertices) I would
> expect something like:
> *rank 0:*
>   4 - (1, 3)  (to read: point 4 is owned by rank 1 and is rank's 1 point 3)
>   etc...
> *rank 1:*
>   nothing
> Is my intuition correct? If so, what does the star forest that I get from
> DMPlexDistribute mean? I am printing the wrong thing?
> Thank you
> --
> D. Adrian Maldonado, PhD Candidate
> Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept.
> Illinois Institute of Technology
> 3301 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago, IL 60616

What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
experiments lead.
-- Norbert Wiener

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