On Mon, 20 Nov 2017, Randall Mackie wrote:

> Dear PETSc team:
> On upgrading to version 3.8, we have discovered an inconsistency in the 
> python configuration scripts for using Intel MKL for BLAS/LAPACK.
> It seems that these options were changed between 3.7 and 3.8:
> Version 3.8:
> --with-blaslapack-lib=libsunperf.a
> --with-blas-lib=libblas.a --with-lapack-lib=liblapack.a
> --with-blaslapack-dir=/soft/com/packages/intel/13/079/mkl
> Version 3.7:
> --with-blas-lapack-lib=libsunperf.a
> --with-blas-lib=libblas.a --with-lapack-lib=liblapack.a
> --with-blas-lapack-dir=/soft/com/packages/intel/13/079/mkl
> So a hyphen was inserted with the lib and dir options.

Actually a hyphen was removed in 3.8

> However, we found that at least in the mkl_pardiso.py script it still looks 
> for a hyphen, but in other scripts we checked it doesn’t (although we did not 
> do an exhaustive search).

Hm - 'blas-lapack' is listed in an error message. Pushed a fix to 'maint' now.


> We know that you are not connected to Intel, but maybe someone from Intel 
> reads these messages, as their web pages that explain how to install Petsc 
> are wrong and conform to the pre-3.8 options:
> https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/enabling-intel-mkl-in-petsc-applications
> <https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/enabling-intel-mkl-in-petsc-applications>
> https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/mkl-blas-lapack-with-petsc 
> <https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/mkl-blas-lapack-with-petsc>
> Thanks, Randy Mackie

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