Thanks Matthew,

I try to do that when calling:

call MatMPIAIJSetPreallocation(A,19,PETSC_NULL_INTEGER,19,

But i am not aware on how to do this for the DM if it needs something more


On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 1:51 PM, Matthew Knepley <> wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 4:39 PM Manuel Valera <> wrote:
>> Hello PETSc devs,
>> I am running into an error when trying to use the MATMPIAIJVIENNACL
>> Matrix type in MPI calls, the same code runs for MATSEQAIJVIENNACL type in
>> one processor. The error happens when calling MatSetValues for this
>> specific configuration. It does not occur when using MPI DMMatrix types
>> only.
> The DM properly preallocates the matrix. I am assuming you do not here.
>    Matt
>> Any help will be appreciated,
>> Thanks,
>> My program call:
>> mpirun -n 2 ./gcmLEP.GPU tc=TestCases/LockRelease/LE_6x6x6/
>> jid=tiny_cuda_test_n2 -ksp_type cg -dm_vec_type viennacl -dm_mat_type
>> aijviennacl -pc_type saviennacl -log_view
>> The error (repeats after each MatSetValues call):
>> [1]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> [1]PETSC ERROR: Argument out of range
>> [1]PETSC ERROR: Inserting a new nonzero at global row/column (75, 50)
>> into matrix
>> [1]PETSC ERROR: See
>> for trouble shooting.
>> [1]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Development GIT revision: v3.9.2-549-g779ab53  GIT
>> Date: 2018-05-31 17:31:13 +0300
>> [1]PETSC ERROR: ./gcmLEP.GPU on a cuda-debug named node50 by valera Wed
>> Aug 15 13:10:44 2018
>> [1]PETSC ERROR: Configure options PETSC_ARCH=cuda-debug
>> --with-mpi-dir=/usr/lib64/openmpi --COPTFLAGS=-O2 --CXXOPTFLAGS=-O2
>> --FOPTFLAGS=-O2 --with-shared-libraries=1 --with-debugging=1 --with-cuda=1
>> --CUDAFLAGS=-arch=sm_60 --with-blaslapack-dir=/usr/lib64
>> --download-viennacl
>> [1]PETSC ERROR: #1 MatSetValues_MPIAIJ() line 608 in
>> /home/valera/petsc/src/mat/impls/aij/mpi/mpiaij.c
>> [1]PETSC ERROR: #2 MatSetValues() line 1339 in /home/valera/petsc/src/mat/
>> interface/matrix.c
>> My Code structure:
>> call DMCreateMatrix(daDummy,A,ierr)
>>> call MatSetFromOptions(A,ierr)
>>> call MPI_Comm_size(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, numprocs, ierr)
>>> if (numprocs > 1) then  ! set matrix type parallel
>>>     ! Get local size
>>>     call DMDACreateNaturalVector(daDummy,Tmpnat,ierr)
>>>     call VecGetLocalSize(Tmpnat,locsize,ierr)
>>>     call VecDestroy(Tmpnat,ierr)
>>>     ! Set matrix
>>> #ifdef GPU
>>>     call MatSetType(A,MATAIJVIENNACL,ierr)
>>>     call DMSetMatType(daDummy,MATMPIAIJVIENNACL,ierr)
>>>     call DMSetVecType(daDummy,VECMPIVIENNACL,ierr)
>>>     print*,'SETTING GPU TYPES'
>>> #else
>>>     call DMSetMatType(daDummy,MATMPIAIJ,ierr)
>>>     call DMSetMatType(daDummy,VECMPI,ierr)
>>>     call MatSetType(A,MATMPIAIJ,ierr)!
>>> #endif
>>>     call MatMPIAIJSetPreallocation(A,19,PETSC_NULL_INTEGER,19,
>>> else                    ! set matrix type sequential
>>> #ifdef GPU
>>>     call DMSetMatType(daDummy,MATSEQAIJVIENNACL,ierr)
>>>     call DMSetVecType(daDummy,VECSEQVIENNACL,ierr)
>>>     call MatSetType(A,MATSEQAIJVIENNACL,ierr)
>>>     print*,'SETTING GPU TYPES'
>>> #else
>>>     call DMSetMatType(daDummy,MATSEQAIJ,ierr)
>>>     call DMSetMatType(daDummy,VECSEQ,ierr)
>>>     call MatSetType(A,MATSEQAIJ,ierr)
>>> #endif
>>> call MatSetUp(A,ierr)
>>> call getCenterInfo(daGrid,xstart,ystart,zstart,xend,yend,zend)
>>> do k=zstart,zend-1
>>>     do j=ystart,yend-1
>>>         do i=xstart,xend-1
>>> [..]
>>>            call MatSetValues(A,1,row,sumpos,
>>> pos(0:iter-1),vals(0:iter-1),INSERT_VALUES,ierr)
>>> [..]
> --
> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
> experiments lead.
> -- Norbert Wiener
> <>

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