On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 6:24 AM Ale Foggia <amfog...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm currently using Lanczos solver (EPSLANCZOS) to get the smallest real
> eigenvalue (EPS_SMALLEST_REAL) of a Hermitian problem (EPS_HEP). Those are
> the only options I set for the solver. My aim is to be able to
> predict/estimate the time-to-solution. To do so, I was doing a scaling of
> the code for different sizes of matrices and for different number of MPI
> processes. As I was not observing a good scaling I checked the number of
> iterations of the solver (given by EPSGetIterationNumber). I've encounter
> that for the **same size** of matrix (that meaning, the same problem), when
> I change the number of MPI processes, the amount of iterations changes, and
> the behaviour is not monotonic. This are the numbers I've got:

I am sure you know this, but this test is strong scaling and will top out
when the individual problem sizes become too small (we see this at several
thousand unknowns).



> # procs   # iters
> 960          157
> 992          189
> 1024        338
> 1056        190
> 1120        174
> 2048        136
> I've checked the mailing list for a similar situation and I've found
> another person with the same problem but in another solver ("[SLEPc] GD is
> not deterministic when using different number of cores", Nov 19 2015), but
> I think the solution this person finds does not apply to my problem
> (removing "-eps_harmonic" option).
> Can you give me any hint on what is the reason for this behaviour? Is
> there a way to prevent this? It's not possible to estimate/predict any time
> consumption for bigger problems if the number of iterations varies this
> much.
> Ale

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