Dear Matt,

Thank you for your quick reply. As for your question: "why would there be a 
difference? They should be numbered in the same way.”

I see the degrees of freedom living on the periodic domain as the ones living 
at boundaries between interior elements. This is what I expect for non-periodic 
domain for nodal scalar field:


1                3                5
|                  |                 |
|                  |                 |
|                  |                 |
0                2                 4

Periodic (vertical boundaries, topologically, the domain is a cylinder)

1                3                1
|                  |                 |
|                  |                 |
|                  |                 |
0                2                 0

This is not the expected behaviour?

Once again thank you for your help.

-artur palha

On 12 Dec 2018, at 15:04, Matthew Knepley 
<<>> wrote:

On Wed, Dec 12, 2018 at 9:01 AM Artur Palha Da Silva Clérigo - LR via 
petsc-users <<>> wrote:
Dear All,

I having been trying to add periodic domain functionality to my code. I am able 
to generate a periodic mesh with gmsh and load it using dmplex. The problem is 
that I am unable to have a numbering of the degrees of freedom that reflects 
the periodicity (they are numbered as if there was no periodicity).

Why would there be a difference? They should be numbered in the same way.

I read this thread:

There it is mentioned that DMLocalizeCoordinates is required after loading the 

Yes, this makes cell-wise coordinates, which have a jump at the periodic 

My questions are the following:

1. Is it correct that I need to run DMLocalizeCoordinates on my DM?


2. I am currently using petsc4py but I am unable to find DMLocalizeCoordinates. 
Is this functionality missing or is there an alternative to it?\

Its possible no wrapper has been written for this yet. Lisandro, is it missing? 
(I am at a meeting, or I would check).



Thank you for your time.

Kind regards,

-artur palha

What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their experiments is 
infinitely more interesting than any results to which their experiments lead.
-- Norbert Wiener<>

  • [petsc-users] Periodic ... Artur Palha Da Silva Clérigo - LR via petsc-users
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