Mark Adams <> writes:

> On Mon, Dec 24, 2018 at 4:56 PM Jed Brown <> wrote:
>> Mark Adams via petsc-users <> writes:
>> > Anyway, my data for this is in my SC 2004 paper (MakeNextMat_private in
>> > attached, NB, this is code that I wrote in grad school). It is memory
>> > efficient and simple, just four nested loops i,j,I,J: C(I,J) =
>> > P(i,I)*A(i,j)*P(j,J). In eyeballing the numbers and from new data that I
>> am
>> > getting from my bone modeling colleagues, that use this old code on
>> > Stampede now, the times look reasonable compared to GAMG. This is
>> optimized
>> > for elasticity, where I unroll loops (so it is really six nested loops).
>> Is the A above meant to include some ghosted rows?
> You could but I was thinking of having i in the outer loop. In C(I,J) =
> P(i,I)*A(i,j)*P(j,J), the iteration over 'i' need only be the local rows of
> A (and the left term P).

Okay, so you need to gather those rows of P referenced by the
off-diagonal parts of A.  Once you have them, do

  for i:
    v[:] = 0 # sparse vector
    for j:
      v[:] += A[i,j] * P[j,:]
    for I:
      C[I,:] += P[i,I] * v[:]

One inefficiency is that you don't actually get "hits" on all the
entries of C[I,:], but that much remains no matter how you reorder loops
(unless you make I the outermost).

>> > In thinking about this now, I think you want to make a local copy of P
>> with
>> > rows (j) for every column in A that you have locally, then transpose this
>> > local thing for the P(j,J) term. A sparse AXPY on j. (My code uses a
>> > special tree data structure but a matrix is simpler.)
>> Why transpose for P(j,J)?
> (premature) optimization. I was thinking 'j' being in the inner loop and
> doing sparse inner product, but now that I think about it there are other
> options.

Sparse inner products tend to be quite inefficient.  Explicit blocking
helps some, but I would try to avoid it.

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