Dear Petsc Users,

I'm using DMPlexCreateFromCellList to create my DM. I would like to have an order 2 geometry.

It's working fine in 2D for elements of type Q9.

I checked that it's working correctly by using DMPlexComputeCellGeometryFEM, and compute the value of the determinant (CheckMeshGeometry of dm/impls/plex/examples/tutorials/ex2.c)

I can import H8 elements, it's working fine.

But for H27 element, it's not working. I really don't know how to order my vertex in the cells array. So far, the determinant is zero...

I don't know where to look in order to find this information. I tried the function DMPlexGetRawFaces_Internal of the file

but it didn't help me.

Could you please point me where to look ?

Thanks, and happy new year !


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