On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 7:03 PM Sajid Ali 

Hi Junchao,

I’m confused with the syntax. If I submit the following as my job script, I get 
an error :

#SBATCH --job-name=petsc_test
#SBATCH -C knl,quad,flat
#SBATCH -p apsxrmd
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00

module load intel/18.0.3-d6gtsxs
module load intel-parallel-studio/cluster.2018.3-xvnfrfz
module load numactl-2.0.12-intel-18.0.3-wh44iog
srun -n 64 -c 64 --cpu_bind=cores numactl -m 1 aps ./ex_modify -ts_type cn 
-prop_steps 25 -pc_type gamg -ts_monitor -log_view

The error is :
srun: cluster configuration lacks support for cpu binding

This cluster does not support cpu binding.  You need to remove 
--cpu_bind=cores. In addition, I don't know what is the 'aps' argument

srun: error: Unable to create step for job 916208: More processors requested 
than permitted

I remember the product of -n -c has to be 256.  You can try srun -n 64 -c 4 
numactl -m 1 ./ex_modify ...

I’m following the advice as given at slide 33 of 

For further info, I’m using LCRC at ANL.

Thank You,
Sajid Ali
Applied Physics
Northwestern University

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