For PETSc users/developers interested in software and data
infrastructure for fluid dynamics:

We are excited to invite you to attend the second workshop to aid in the
conceptualization of FDSI, a potential NSF-sponsored Institute dedicated
to Fluid Dynamics Software Infrastructure. The workshop will be in
Boulder, CO and will start at 1:00 PM on Friday April 12th and continue
until 5:00 PM on April 13th.  Registration and further info about FDSI
is available in the links below.
Registration (free; travel support available)
GitHub repo of May 2018 Kickoff Workshop:
Community Needs Assessment based on 2018 Kickoff Workshop:
FDSI Discussion Forum:
We also ask for your help in growing the community by either forwarding
this email to any of your colleagues with an interest in fluid dynamics
software or by nominating them for personal invites to this and future
FDSI workshops:
We hope to see you in Boulder and/or in online virtual discussions of
fluid dynamics software infrastructure.
FDSI Conceptualization Management Team

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