> On May 30, 2019, at 11:08 PM, Manav Bhatia <bhatiama...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I managed to get this to work. 
> I defined a larger matrix with the dense blocks appended to the end of the 
> matrix on the last processor. Currently, I am only running with one extra 
> unknown, so this should not be a significant penalty for load balancing. 
> Since the larger matrix has the same I-j locations for the FE non-zeros, I 
> use it directly in the FE assembly. 


> I have tested with parallel MUMPS solves and it working smoothly. Also, the 
> monolithic system removes the issue with the singularity of J_fe at/near the 
> bifurcation point. 
> Next, I would like to figure out if there are ways to bring in iterative 
> solvers to solve this more efficiently. My J_fe comes from a nonlinear shell 
> deformation problem with snap through response. 

   This can be a tough problem for AMG (or any) iterative method.
> I am not sure if it would make sense to use an AMG solver on this monolithic 
> matrix,

   Almost surely not.

> as opposed to using it as a preconditioner for J_fe in the 
> Schur-factorization approach. The LOCA solver in Trillions was able to find 
> some success with the latter approach: 
> https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0218127405012508

  In theory you can use PCFIELDSPLIT to do the Schur factorization approach 
with your monothic matrix. You would create two IS, one for the FE problem, you 
can create this by using a ISCreateStride() (each process would create an IS 
for all the local variables except the last process which would skip the last 
variable) and the second IS would be of size zero on all processes except the 
last process where it would have only the last variable. 

  This would be fine for testing if Schur factorization plus AMG works in your 

  The drawback is that PCFIELDSPLIT in this circumstance will pull out  of the 
big matrix (copy) the ever so slightly smaller matrix that needs to be passed 
to AMG; it needs the copy because GAMG currently needs to directly work with a 
AIJ matrix.

   Thus what you need to do is to use MatCreateNest(). You can do this and 
share almost all your current code. You would create the FE matrix (using, for 
example libmesh), this matrix is what you would have the FE assembly code fill 
in (because MATNEST does not support MatSetValues()). You would also create A, 
B, C as MPIAIJ matrices. Your Jacobian filling routine would then fill up 
separately the FE matrix, A, B, and C. For a PC you would use field split with 
the IS I indicated above. GAMG will then directly use the FE matrix with no 
copy needed inside the PCFIELDSPLIT. So the only difference in your code for 
the two cases would be

1) The creation of the matrix. 

2) The filling up of the pieces of the matrix versus just filling up the big 
matrix directly.

3) for field split you would need to create the IS and provide them to the PC.

Based on your previous rapid progress I have no doubt that you will be able to 
achieve this approach rapidly, good luck


> I would appreciate any general thoughts concerning this. 
> Regards,
> Manav
>> On May 29, 2019, at 9:11 PM, Manav Bhatia <bhatiama...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Barry, 
>>   Thanks for the detailed message. 
>>    I checked libMesh’s continuation sovler and it appears to be using the 
>> same system solver without creating a larger matrix: 
>> https://github.com/libMesh/libmesh/blob/master/src/systems/continuation_system.C
>>    I need to implement this in my code, MAST, for various reasons (mainly, 
>> it fits inside a bigger workflow). The current implementation implementation 
>> follows the Schur factorization approach: 
>> https://mastmultiphysics.github.io/class_m_a_s_t_1_1_continuation_solver_base.html#details
>>    I will look into some solutions pertaining to the use of 
>> MatGetLocalSubMatrix or leverage some existing functionality in libMesh. 
>> Thanks,
>> Manav
>>> On May 29, 2019, at 7:04 PM, Smith, Barry F. <bsm...@mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>>>  Understood. Where are you putting the "few extra unknowns" in the vector 
>>> and matrix? On the first process, on the last process, some places in the 
>>> middle of the matrix?
>>>   We don't have any trivial code for copying a big matrix into a even 
>>> larger matrix directly because we frown on doing that. It is very wasteful 
>>> in time and memory. 
>>>   The simplest way to do it is call MatGetRow() twice for each row, once to 
>>> get the nonzero locations for each row to determine the numbers needed for 
>>> preallocation and then the second time after the big matrix has been 
>>> preallocated to get the nonzero locations and numerical values for the row 
>>> to call MatSetValues() with to set that row into the bigger matrix. Note of 
>>> course when you call MatSetValues() you will need to shift the rows and 
>>> column locations to take into account the new rows and columns in the 
>>> bigger matrix. If you put the "extra unknowns" at the every end of the 
>>> rows/columns on the last process you won't have to shift.
>>>   Note that B being dense really messes up chances for load balancing since 
>>> its rows are dense and take a great deal of space so whatever process gets 
>>> those rows needs to have much less of the mesh. 
>>>  The correct long term approach is to have libmesh provide the needed 
>>> functionality (for continuation) for the slightly larger matrix directly so 
>>> huge matrices do not need to be copied.
>>>  I noticed that libmesh has some functionality related to continuation. I 
>>> do not know if they handle it by creating the larger matrix and vector and 
>>> filling that up directly for finite elements. If they do then you should 
>>> definitely take a look at that and see if it can be extended for your case 
>>> (ignore the continuation algorithm they may be using, that is not relevant, 
>>> the question is if they generate the larger matrices and if you can 
>>> leverage this).
>>>  The ultimate hack would be to (for example) assign the extra variables to 
>>> the end of the last process and hack lib mesh a little bit so the matrix it 
>>> creates (before it puts in the numerical values) has the extra rows and 
>>> columns, that libmesh will not put the values into but you will. Thus you 
>>> get libmesh to fill up the true final matrix for its finite element problem 
>>> (not realizing the matrix is a little bigger then it needs) directly, no 
>>> copies of the data needed. But this is bit tricky, you'll need to combine 
>>> libmesh's preallocation information with yours for the final columns and 
>>> rows before you have lib mesh put the numerical values in. Double check if 
>>> they have any support for this first. 
>>>   Barry
>>>> On May 29, 2019, at 6:29 PM, Manav Bhatia <bhatiama...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Thanks, Barry. 
>>>> I am working on a FE application (involving bifurcation behavior) with 
>>>> libMesh where I need to solve the system of equations along with a few 
>>>> extra unknowns that are not directly related to the FE mesh. I am able to 
>>>> assemble the n x 1 residual (R_fe) and  n x n  Jacobian (J_fe ) from my 
>>>> code and libMesh provides me with the sparsity pattern for this. 
>>>> Next, the system of equations that I need to solve is: 
>>>> [   J_fe   A ]  { dX } =  { R_fe  }
>>>> [   B       C ]  { dV } =  {R_ext } 
>>>> Where, C is a dense matrix of size m x m ( m << n ), A is n x m, B is m x 
>>>> n, R_ext is m x 1.   A, B and C are dense matrixes. This comes from the 
>>>> bordered system for my path continuation solver. 
>>>> I have implemented a solver using Schur factorization ( this is outside of 
>>>> PETSc and does not use the FieldSplit construct ). This works well for 
>>>> most cases, except when J_fe is close to singular. 
>>>> I am now attempting to create a monolithic matrix that solves the complete 
>>>> system. 
>>>> Currently, the approach I am considering is to compute J_fe using my 
>>>> libMesh application, so that I don’t have to change that. I am defining a 
>>>> new matrix with the extra non-zero locations for A, B, C. 
>>>> With J_fe computed, I am looking to copy its non-zero entries to this new 
>>>> matrix. This is where I am stumbling since I don’t know how best to get 
>>>> the non-zero locations in J_fe. Maybe there is a better approach to copy 
>>>> from J_fe to the new matrix? 
>>>> I have looked through the nested matrix construct, but have not given this 
>>>> a serious consideration. Maybe I should? Note that I don’t want to solve 
>>>> J_fe and C separately (not as separate systems), so the field-split 
>>>> approach will not be suitable here. 
>>>> Also, I am currently using MUMPS for all my parallel solves. 
>>>>  I would appreciate any advice. 
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Manav
>>>>> On May 29, 2019, at 6:07 PM, Smith, Barry F. <bsm...@mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>>>>> Manav,
>>>>> For parallel sparse matrices using the standard PETSc formats the matrix 
>>>>> is stored in two parts on each process (see the details in 
>>>>> MatCreateAIJ()) thus there is no inexpensive way to access directly the 
>>>>> IJ locations as a single local matrix. What are you hoping to use the 
>>>>> information for? Perhaps we have other suggestions on how to achieve the 
>>>>> goal.
>>>>> Barry
>>>>>> On May 29, 2019, at 2:27 PM, Manav Bhatia via petsc-users 
>>>>>> <petsc-users@mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi, 
>>>>>> Once a MPI-AIJ matrix has been assembled, is there a method to get the 
>>>>>> nonzero I-J locations? I see one for sequential matrices here: 
>>>>>> https://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/petsc-current/docs/manualpages/Mat/MatGetRowIJ.html
>>>>>>  , but not for parallel matrices. 
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Manav

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