Hello all,
I set PCGAMG and KSPGRMES to solve the matrix which is formed by a particle 
method such as SPH. But when there is always a PETSC ERROR: 
[2]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message 
[2]PETSC ERROR: Petsc has generated inconsistent data
[2]PETSC ERROR: Have un-symmetric graph (apparently). Use 
'-(null)pc_gamg_sym_graph true' to symetrize the graph or 
'-(null)pc_gamg_threshold -1' if the matrix is structurally symmetric.
[2]PETSC ERROR: See http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/documentation/faq.html for 
trouble shooting.
[2]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.9.1, Apr, 29, 2018
[2]PETSC ERROR: ./MPS on a arch-linux2-cxx-debug named 
daye-Precision-7920-Tower by daye Tue Jul  9 20:59:39 2019
[2]PETSC ERROR: Configure options --with-cc=gcc --with-cxx=g++ 
--with-fc=gfortran --download-mpich --download-fblaslapack --download-hypre 
[2]PETSC ERROR: #1 smoothAggs() line 418 in 
[2]PETSC ERROR: #2 PCGAMGCoarsen_AGG() line 970 in 
[2]PETSC ERROR: #3 PCSetUp_GAMG() line 518 in 
[2]PETSC ERROR: #4 PCSetUp() line 923 in 
[2]PETSC ERROR: #5 KSPSetUp() line 381 in 
[2]PETSC ERROR: #6 KSPSolve() line 612 in 
^C[mpiexec@daye-Precision-7920-Tower] Sending Ctrl-C to processes as requested
[mpiexec@daye-Precision-7920-Tower] Press Ctrl-C again to force abort

This matrix can be solved when I use PCHYPRE and KSPGRMES. But when I change 
the pre-condition to PCGAMG, this error always occurs. Any suggestions about 
Thank you at first!


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