> On Jul 20, 2019, at 9:58 PM, Mohammed Mostafa <mo7ammedmost...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hello Barry, 
> > In runs did you zero the matrix before call the MatSetValues() initially?
> > 
> I only zero the matrix when using add_values insert mode but otherwise I 
> don’t 

   Is there any reason to use ADD_VALUES? Since you need to insert each value 
for an individual column/row exactly once?

   In the timings you sent did you zero the matrix before? Does it make a 
difference in the timing for setting values into there matrix?


> > What kind of a processor is this? 
> This is an i7-Processor 6 core 3.9Ghz if I can remember correctly 
> I tried it on another intel Xeon processor 14 core but using only 6 processor 
> and I got a similar trend with increasing nrow buffer
> > Would you be able to run the code under gprof, vtune, instruments or 
> > something profiling package that gives line by line information about time 
> > being spent. In particular I'd like to see the results for MatSetValues(), 
> > MatSetValues2() with 1 row, with 2, rows and with 4 rows. 
> > 
> I will try to do that but I am currently traveling to attend a conference so 
> I can not get back to you on that until Thursday
> Regards,
> Kamra
> > On Jul 20, 2019, at 8:59 AM, Smith, Barry F. <bsm...@mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
> > 
> > In runs did you zero the matrix before call the MatSetValues() initially?
> > 
> > 
> >> MatSetValues() 
> >> FillPetscMat     3.6594e+00
> >> MatSetValues2_MPIAIJ() with an nrow_buffer = 1
> >> FillPetscMat     13.3920e+00
> >> nrow_buffer = 2
> >> FillPetscMat_with_MatSetValues2                  3.3321e+00
> >> nrow_buffer = 5
> >> FillPetscMat_with_MatSetValues2                  2.8842e+00
> >> nrow_buffer = 10
> >> FillPetscMat_with_MatSetValues2                  2.7669e+00
> >> nrow_buffer = 20
> >> FillPetscMat_with_MatSetValues2                  2.6834e+00
> >> nrow_buffer = 50
> >> FillPetscMat_with_MatSetValues2                  2.6862e+00
> >> nrow_buffer = 100
> >> FillPetscMat_with_MatSetValues2                  2.6170e+00
> >> 
> > 
> > The call to MatSetValues() has a little bit of checking and then another 
> > call to MatSetValues_MPIAIJ() so it is not surprising that going directly 
> > to MatSetValues_MPIAIJ2() saves you a bit but it is a large savings than I 
> > would expect.
> > 
> > I am greatly puzzled by the dramatic savings you get as you pass more rows 
> > to MatSetValues2. As far as I can see all you are saving is a function 
> > call, not much of anything else and that would NOT explain the huge time 
> > savings (functions calls are extremely cheap compared to .5 seconds. The 
> > multi row MatSetValues2() still has to do the same processing as with one 
> > call per row so why so much faster?
> > 
> > What kind of a processor is this? 
> > 
> > Would you be able to run the code under gprof, vtune, instruments or 
> > something profiling package that gives line by line information about time 
> > being spent. In particular I'd like to see the results for MatSetValues(), 
> > MatSetValues2() with 1 row, with 2, rows and with 4 rows. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> >   Barry

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