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Mingchang Ding <> writes:

> Thank you for your quick reply. The code I have now is attached. The sparse 
> matrix obtained from LDG discretization to u_xx is assembled in SetupMat 
> routine of setup.h. When I choose my polynomial degree nk =1 (DOF = 2), only 
> the first and last row of the output sparse matrix is as what I want. Again, 
> I want to impose essential (Dirichlet) boundary condition to the problem.
> Let me know if any explanation of the question is needed.

It appears that you are calling MatZeroRows with rows = {0,},
which will only affect the first and last rows.  The other entries are
how you have assembled them (with the matrix-matrix product).

      PetscInt        nrows = 0;
      PetscInt        *rows;

      ierr = DMDAGetLocalInfo(da, &info);CHKERRQ(ierr);

      PetscMalloc1(, &rows);

      for (j=info.xs; j<info.xs+info.xm; j++) {

          if (j == 0) {
              rows[nrows++] = j;


          else if (j == - 1) {
              rows[nrows++] = j;


          else {



          /* Mass_inv */
          ierr = MatSetValuesBlocked(appctx->Mass_inv, 1, &j, 1, &j, 
&inv[0][0], INSERT_VALUES);CHKERRQ(ierr);



      MatZeroRows(appctx->J_dif, nrows, rows, 1.0, NULL, NULL);

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