Please send the configure.log file when run with 
--download-sowing-cc=yourCcompiler  and also 
$PETSC_ARCH/externalpackages/git.sowing/config.log this will tell us why it is 
rejecting the C compiler.


> On Sep 10, 2019, at 12:43 PM, Danyang Su via petsc-users 
> <> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am trying to install petsc-dev on a cluster with intel compiler. However, 
> the configuration get stuck on SOWING.
> Error running configure on SOWING: Could not execute "['./configure 
> --prefix=/home/m/min3p/danyangs/soft/petsc/petsc-dev/linux-intel-opt']":
> checking for ranlib... ranlib
> checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
> checking whether install works... yes
> checking for ar... ar
> checking for gcc... no
> checking for cc... no
> checking for cl.exe... noconfigure: error: in 
> `/gpfs/fs1/home/m/min3p/danyangs/soft/petsc/petsc-dev/linux-intel-opt/externalpackages/git.sowing':
> configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH
> See `config.log' for more details
> Actually the C compiler is there.
> If I use GNU compiler, there is no problem. I also tried to use different 
> sowing configuration as discussed on 
>, but 
> without success.
> The configuration is
> ./configure COPTFLAGS="-march=native -O2" CXXOPTFLAGS="-march=native -O2" 
> FOPTFLAGS="-march=native -O2" --with-scalapack=1 
> --with-scalapack-lib="[/scinet/niagara/intel/2019.1/compilers_and_libraries_2019.1.144/linux/mkl/lib/intel64/,/scinet/niagara/intel/2019.1/compilers_and_libraries_2019.1.144/linux/mkl/lib/intel64/]"
>  --download-parmetis=1 --download-metis=1 --download-ptscotch=1 
> --download-fblaslapack=1 --download-hypre=1 --download-superlu_dist=1 
> --with-hdf5=1 
> --with-hdf5-dir=/scinet/niagara/software/2019a/opt/intel-2019.1-intelmpi-2019.1/hdf5-mpi/1.10.4
>  --download-zlib=1 --download-szlib=1 --download-ctetgen=1 --with-debugging=0 
> --with-cxx-dialect=C++11 
> --with-mpi-dir=/scinet/niagara/intel/2019.1/compilers_and_libraries_2019.1.144/linux/mpi/intel64
>  -download-sowing
> Any suggestion on this?
> Thanks and regards,
> danyang

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