Good morning,

I am currently having some trouble in the creation of some matrices.

I am using structured dmda objects to create matrices using the DMCreate()

One of these matrices will be the result of a matrix-matrix product of two
of these dm matrices.

I know that the matrix product will have more nonzero entries or at least a
bigger stencil than the original dm matrices, however I accounted for that
when I set the DMDA stencil width in the initial creation.

The problem is that even with that, the resulting matrix-matrix product has
a bigger stencil as evidenced by failure in subsequent matrix copy/addition
operations using SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN.

Judging by the difference of the nonzero entries I believe that initial
zero entries (the ones I initialized to eventually hold this
expaned stencil) on the original dm matrices are being combined to further
expand the stencil of the product matrix.

Is there any way of getting a matrix-matrix product that will keep the same
nonzero pattern as the dm matrices?

I have tried both MatMatMult() and the MatProductCreate() sequence so far,
but both produce nonzero patterns that do not match the dm nonzero pattern.

Thank you,


Alfredo Duarte
Graduate Research Assistant
The University of Texas at Austin

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