On Sun, Jul 3, 2022 at 3:34 PM Nicholas Arnold-Medabalimi <
narno...@umich.edu> wrote:

> Hi
> Thanks for the response. I still have a bit of confusion here. To make
> sure I follow I have setup a code block (at end) with options for overlap
> and CreateGhostCells.
> Using a 2x2x2 Box mesh I've seen the following behavior.
> When I use overlap=1 I get approximately what I would expect.
> If I run on 1 processor there are only 8cells and everything is normal
> If I run on 2 processors each processor has 8cells (4 from the split
> domain and an extra 4 extending into the neighboring cell)
> My question here is how do I then differentiate the overlap cells from
> each processor so that I can synchronize the extra cells as I iterate?
> Both GetHeightStratum GetSimplex will identify the 8cells with no
> differentiation between the partitions vs the overlap.
> I believe this is the strategy that will get me the result I want where I
> can synch the overlaps so that when I iterate through the "owned cells" the
> stencil can reach into the overlap cells to get the information they need?

You can tell whether a cell is in the overlap by seeing whether it is in
the point SF. A PetscSF (Star Forest) is an object that relates mesh points
on two different processes. It is a directed arrow that we see as pointing
from a leaf (ghost cell) to a root (owned cell). So you can say

  DMPlexGetHeightStratum(plex, 0, &cStart, &cEnd);
  DMPlexGetPointSF(plex, &sf);
  PetscSFGetGraph(sf, NULL, &Nl, &leaves, NULL);
  for (c = cStart; c < cEnd; ++c) {
    PetscFindInt(c, Nl, leaves, &loc);
    if (loc >= 0) /* cell is in the overlap */

> When I use ghostCellGenerate I also get what I would expect
> If I run on 1 processor each of the outside faces of the cube gets an
> extra cell attached so I get Box Cells 0 through 8 and then Ghost Cells 8
> through 32.
> If I run on 2 processors only the outside faces of the cub get the extra
> cells so I get Box Cells 0 through 4 and then Ghost Cells 4 through 16
> So I don't think this is what I want for my intended use?

I do not understand the last sentence.



> Thanks Again
> Sincerely
> Nicholas
>     PetscInt facecount = 10;
>     PetscInt i, dim = 3, overlap = 0;
>     ierr = PetscOptionsGetInt(NULL, NULL, "-facecount", &facecount, NULL);
>     CHKERRQ(ierr);
>     for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
>         faces[i] = facecount;
>     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewerstdout, "facecount is %d\n", facecount);
>     PetscReal lower[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
>     PetscReal upper[3] = {2.0, 2.0, 2.0};
>     ierr = DMPlexCreateBoxMesh(comm, dim, simplex, faces, lower, upper,
> /* periodicity */ NULL, dmInterped, &dm);
>     CHKERRQ(ierr);
>     ierr = DMPlexDistribute(dm, overlap, &distributionSF, &dmDist);
>     CHKERRQ(ierr);
>     if (dmDist)
>     {
>         ierr = DMDestroy(&dm);
>         CHKERRQ(ierr);
>         dm = dmDist;
>     }
>     PetscInt ghostCells;
>     PetscBool use_ghostcells = PETSC_TRUE;
>     ierr = PetscOptionsGetBool(NULL, NULL, "-use_ghostcells", &use_ghostcells,
> NULL);
>     DM dmGhost;
>     if (use_ghostcells)
>     {
>         ierr = DMPlexConstructGhostCells(dm, NULL, &ghostCells, &dmGhost);
>         CHKERRQ(ierr);
>         if (dmGhost)
>         {
>             PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewerstdout, "%dghost Cells generated
> \n", ghostCells);
>             ierr = DMDestroy(&dm);
>             CHKERRQ(ierr);
>             dm = dmGhost;
>         }
>         else
>             PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewerstdout, "ghost Cells not
> generated\n");
>     }
>     else
>         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewerstdout, "ghost Cells not generated\n"
> );
>     PetscInt c0, c1, f0, f1, e0, e1, v0, v1, s0, s1, g0, g1;
>     DMPlexGetHeightStratum(dm, 0, &c0, &c1);
>     DMPlexGetHeightStratum(dm, 1, &f0, &f1);
>     DMPlexGetHeightStratum(dm, 2, &e0, &e1);
>     DMPlexGetHeightStratum(dm, 3, &v0, &v1);
>     DMPlexGetSimplexOrBoxCells(dm, 0, &s0, &s1);
>     DMPlexGetGhostCellStratum(dm, &g0, &g1);
>     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewerstdout, "Cells:    p0:%d ,p1:%d \n", c0,
> c1);
>     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewerstdout, "Faces:    p0:%d ,p1:%d \n", f0,
> f1);
>     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewerstdout, "Edges:    p0:%d ,p1:%d \n", e0,
> e1);
>     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewerstdout, "Vertices: p0:%d ,p1:%d \n", v0,
> v1);
>     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewerstdout, "Box Cells:    p0:%d ,p1:%d \n",
> s0, s1);
>     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewerstdout, "Ghost Cells:    p0:%d ,p1:%d \n",
> g0, g1);
> On Sun, Jul 3, 2022 at 12:42 AM Matthew Knepley <knep...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sat, Jul 2, 2022 at 6:20 PM Nicholas Arnold-Medabalimi <
>> narno...@umich.edu> wrote:
>>> Dear PETSc users,
>>> I have some general novice questions regarding how to properly access a
>>> distributed DMPLEX vector that has ghost cells for a finite volume use case.
>>> My process for setup
>>> 1) generated a simple box mesh using DMPlexCreateBoxMesh
>>> 2) distribute the mesh using DMPlexDistribute (at this point everything
>>> looks fine when I View (as paraview file) and I can see the partitions)
>>> 3) I generate a section with 5 variables located at the cells. (I don't
>>> think it matters if I use 5 fields or 1 field with 5 components?) I can
>>> alternatively do this using the PetscFV variable with 5 components.
>>> 4)  I then have the dm setup properly (with no ghost cells at this
>>> point) and I use DMCreateGlobalVector and DMCreateLocalVector to get the
>>> Vectors to work with
>>> 5) I'm just setting a quadratic IC. The overall loop over the cells is
>>> constructed via getting the cell stratum which has the Cell point list and
>>> then using the SectionOffset to assign each of the components at each cell
>>> using DMPlexComputeCellGeometryFVM to get the cell centroid.
>>> As far as I can tell this is an adequate solution but now I'm moving
>>> into learning how to access neighboring cells for flux calculations which
>>> isn't just the local cell but requires access to neighboring cells which at
>>> some point will be located on neighboring processors and synched to be
>>> accessible. When I did this for a DMDA it was pretty straightforward
>>> insofar as I just needed to call DMDAGetCorners and the LocalVector
>>> indexing would allow the stencil to extend gracefully into the ghost
>>> values.
>>> My general question is how do I achieve a similar loop structure for
>>> DMPlex as far as the indexing over the owned cells while being able to
>>> access the neighbor halo cells. I have been looking at example 52 and 11 in
>>> the ts tutorial examples but I'm struggling to extract exactly what I need.
>>> To boil it down into 3 starting questions
>>> 1) What is the preferred way to setup the cells and then access the
>>> internal cells for say N cell halos for the boundaries between processors
>>> in a DMPlex?
>> If you want a halo during distribution, you can give the "overlap"
>> argument to DMPlexDistribute().
>>> 2) What is the distinction between the overlap argument in
>>> DMPlexDistribute and DMPlexConstructGhostCells (which I see used in the
>>> examples)? (at least based on my tests it seems GhostCells is generating
>>> cells at the overall boundaries not the internal partition boundaries?)
>> The examples use both. DMPlexConstructGhostCells() puts a layer of cells
>> around the domain boundary that are special. They have no cell boundary,
>> just the face they are attached to. The overlap adds true cells to each
>> domain across the parallel boundary.
>>> 3) Once I do have a DMPlex object that has the appropriate halos, how
>>> would I get the access range for those cells? Based on my current
>>> assumption the Stratum range for the Cells would include the ghost cells as
>>> well which I would like to avoid?
>> I use
>> https://petsc.org/main/docs/manualpages/DMPLEX/DMPlexGetSimplexOrBoxCells
>> to avoid the FV ghost cells. However, you can also do it by hand by
>> checking the type, or use
>> https://petsc.org/main/docs/manualpages/DMPLEX/DMPlexGetGhostCellStratum
>>   Thanks,
>>      Matt
>>> (Ultimately in the examples I see cases where there is the synch step
>>> for Local to Global and vice versa but I'm trying to just get to the point
>>> where I have the DM setup properly to handle the internal mesh boundaries
>>> and have the correct indexing from the StratumGet commands.)
>>> Any advice and corrections would be welcome.
>>> Sincerely
>>> Nicholas
>>> --
>>> Nicholas Arnold-Medabalimi
>> --
>> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
>> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
>> experiments lead.
>> -- Norbert Wiener
>> https://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/
>> <http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/>
> --
> Nicholas Arnold-Medabalimi
> Ph.D. Candidate
> Computational Aeroscience Lab
> University of Michigan

What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
experiments lead.
-- Norbert Wiener

https://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/ <http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/>

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