I am using DMPlex for a code with written in Fortran in 2D and 3D. There
were two questions.

- As a follow up of the previous inquiry:
Is the local-to-local halo exchange available in Fortran now or still
pending? Currently local-to-global and global-to-local communication are
used since local-to-local has not been allowed for Fortran.

- One code solves discretized equations at each vertex, and another code I
want to couple physics is solving equations at each cell centroid.
Basically, the value at cell centroid needs to be mapped to vertex (or vice
versa) through interpolation/extrapolation for coupling of two codes. Does
petsc function provide this kind of mapping between cell centroid and
vertex? The grids for the two codes can be overlapped. I was trying to find
some FEM infrastructures in petsc, but so far havent found that kind of
functionality. Can I get any comments on that?


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