Yes, you can use DMPlexCreateSubmesh() (and friends depending on exactly
what kind of submesh you want). This will allow you to create a vector over
only this mesh, and map your volumetric solution to that subvector. Then
you can view the subvector (which pulls in the submesh).



On Mon, Aug 1, 2022 at 10:59 PM Jed Brown <> wrote:

> I would create a sub-DM containing only the part you want to view.
> Mike Michell <> writes:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am a user of DMPlex object in 3D grid topology. Currently the solution
> > field is printed out using viewer PETSCVIEWERVTK in .vtu format. By doing
> > that the entire volume components are written in the file. I was
> wondering
> > if there is an option that I can tell PETSc viewer to print out only
> > surface component, instead of the entire volume.
> >
> > Best,
> > Mike

What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
experiments lead.
-- Norbert Wiener <>

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