Dear Matt and Jed,

Thank you for your answers. I'll have a look at Ratel to see how to set-up a 
quasi-static nonlinear problem with TS and SNES.

Best regards,
Nicolas Tardieu
Ing PhD Computational Mechanics
De : <>
Envoyé : lundi 19 décembre 2022 14:40
À : Matthew Knepley <>; TARDIEU Nicolas 
Cc : <>
Objet : Re: [petsc-users] SNES and TS for nonlinear quasi-static problems

Indeed, this is exactly how we do quasistatic analysis for solid mechanics in 
 -- make sure to choose an L-stable integrator (backward Euler being the most 
natural choice). Implicit dynamics can be done by choosing a suitable 
integrator, like TSALPHA2, with almost no code change to the residual (only 
adding the mass term in DMTSSetI2Function()).

Matthew Knepley <> writes:

> On Mon, Dec 19, 2022 at 6:12 AM TARDIEU Nicolas via petsc-users <
>> wrote:
>> Dear PETSc users,
>> I plan to solve nonlinear quasi-static problems with PETSc. More
>> precisely, these are solid mechanics problems with elasto-plasticity.
>> So they do not involve  "physical time", rather  "pseudo time", which is
>> mandatory to describe the stepping of the loading application.
>> In general, the loading vector F(x, t) is expressed as the following
>> product  F(x, t)=F0(x)*g(t), where g is a scalar function of the
>> pseudo-time.
>> I see how to use a SNES in order to solve a certain step of the loading
>> history but I wonder if a TS can be used to deal with the loading history
>> through the definition of this g(t) function ?
> I believe so. We would want you to formulate it as a differential equation,
>   F(x, \dot x, t) = G(x)
> which is your case is easy
>   F(x, t) = 0
> so you would just put your function completely into the IFunction. Since
> there is no \dot x term, this is a DAE,
> and you need to use one of the solvers for that.
>> Furthermore, since too large load steps can lead to non-convergence, a
>> stepping strategy is almost always required to restart a load step that
>> failed. Does TS offer such a feature ?
> I think you can use PETSc adaptation. There is a PID option, which might be
> able to capture your behavior.
>   Thanks,
>       Matt
>> Thank you for your answers.
>> Regards,
>> Nicolas
>> --
>> *Nicolas Tardieu*
>> *Ing PhD Computational Mechanics*
>> EDF - R&D Dpt ERMES
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