Il 23/12/22 17:14, Matthew Knepley ha scritto:
On Thu, Dec 22, 2022 at 3:08 PM Matteo Semplice <> wrote:

    Il 22/12/22 20:06, Dave May ha scritto:

    On Thu 22. Dec 2022 at 10:27, Matteo Semplice
    <> wrote:

        Dear Dave and Matt,

            I am really dealing with two different use cases in a
        code that will compute a levelset function passing through a
        large set of points. If I had DMSwarmSetMigrateType() and if
        it were safe to switch the migration mode back and forth in
        the same swarm, this would cover all my use cases here. Is it
        safe to add it back to petsc? Details below if you are curious.

        1) During preprocessing I am loading a point cloud from disk
        (in whatever order it comes) and need to send the particles
        to the right ranks. Since the background DM is a DMDA I can
        easily figure out the destination rank. This would be covered
        by your suggestion not to attach the DM, except that later I
        need to locate these points with respect to the background
        cells in order to initialize data on the Vecs associated to
        the DMDA.

        2) Then I need to implement a semilagrangian time evolution
        scheme. For this I'd like to send particles around at the
        "foot of characteristic", collect data there and then send
        them back to the originating point. The first migration would
        be based on particle coordinates
        (DMSwarmMigrate_DMNeighborScatter and the restriction to only
        neighbouring ranks is perfect), while for the second move it
        would be easier to just send them back to the originating
        rank, which I can easily store in an Int field in the swarm.
        Thus at each timestep I'd need to swap migrate types in this
        swarm (DMScatter for moving them to the feet and BASIC to
        send them back).

    When you use BASIC, you would have to explicitly call the point
    location routine from your code as BASIC does not interact with
    the DM.

    Based on what I see in the code, switching  migrate modes between
    basic and dmneighbourscatter should be safe.

    If you are fine calling the point location from your side then
    what you propose should work.

    If I understood the code correctly, BASIC will just migrate
    particles sending them to what is stored in DMSwarmField_rank,
    right? That'd be easy since I can create a SWARM with all the data
    I need and an extra int field (say "original_rank") and copy those
    values into DMSwarmField_rank before calling migrate for the
    "going back" step. After this backward migration I do not need to
    locate particles again (e.g. I do not need DMSwarmSortGetAccess
    after the BASIC migration, but only after the DMNeighborScatter one).

    Thus having back DMSwarmSetMigrateType() should be enough for me.

Hi Matteo,

I have done this in <>

I also hope to get the fix for your DMDA issue in there.


I have finally got round to testing the updates and, using the main branch, my issues are fixed.

Only, I have noticed that, after a DMSwarmMigrate_DMNeighborScatter, the field DMSwarmField_rank has the same content as the field DMSwarmPICField_cellid. It does not affect me, but it seems a little strange and might surprise users... In the long term, a word in the docs about the names/content of the fields that are automatically created in a swarm would be helpful.



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