We need all the error output for the errors you got below to understand why 
the errors are happening.

> On Feb 3, 2023, at 11:41 AM, Karthikeyan Chockalingam - STFC UKRI 
> <karthikeyan.chockalin...@stfc.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hello Barry,
> I would like to better understand pc_type redistribute usage. 
> I am plan to use pc_type redistribute in the context of adaptive mesh 
> refinement on a structured grid in 2D. My base mesh (level 0) is indexed from 
> 0 to N-1 elements and refined mesh (level 1) is indexed from 0 to 4(N-1) 
> elements. When I construct system matrix A on (level 1); I probably only use 
> 20% of 4(N-1)  elements, however the indexes are scattered in the range of 0 
> to 4(N-1). That leaves 80% of the rows and columns of the system matrix A on 
> (level 1) to be zero. From your earlier response, I believe this would be a 
> use case for petsc_type redistribute.

  Indeed the linear solve will be more efficient if you use the redistribute 

  But I don't understand your plan. With adaptive refinement I would just 
create the two matrices, one for the initial grid on which you solve the 
system, this will be a smaller matrix and then create a new larger matrix for 
the refined grid (and discard the previous matrix).
> Question (1)
> If N is really large, I would have to allocate memory of size 4(N-1) for the 
> system matrix A on (level 1). How does pc_type redistribute help? Because, I 
> did end up allocating memory for a large system, where most of the rows and 
> columns are zeros. Is most of the allotted memory not wasted? Is this the 
> correct usage?

  See above
> Question (2)
> I tried using pc_type redistribute for a two level system.
> I have attached the output only for  (level 1)
> The solution converges to right solution but still petsc outputs some error 
> messages.
> [0]PETSC ERROR: WARNING! There are option(s) set that were not used! Could be 
> the program crashed before they were used or a spelling mistake, etc!
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Option left: name:-options_left (no value)
> But the there were no unused options
> #PETSc Option Table entries:
> -ksp_type preonly
> -options_left
> -pc_type redistribute
> -redistribute_ksp_converged_reason
> -redistribute_ksp_monitor_true_residual
> -redistribute_ksp_type cg
> -redistribute_ksp_view
> -redistribute_pc_type jacobi
> #End of PETSc Option Table entries
> There are no unused options.
> Program ended with exit code: 0
I cannot explain this
> Question (2)
> [0;39m[0;49m[0]PETSC ERROR: Object is in wrong state
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Matrix is missing diagonal entry in row 0 (65792)
> What does this error message imply? Given I only use 20% of 4(N-1) indexes, I 
> can imagine most of the diagonal entrees are zero. Is my understanding 
> correct?
> Question (3)
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #5 MatZeroRowsColumnsIS() at 
> /Users/karthikeyan.chockalingam/AMReX/SRC_PKG/petsc/src/mat/interface/matrix.c:6124
> I am using MatZeroRowsColumnsIS to set the homogenous Dirichelet boundary. I 
> don’t follow why I get this error message as the linear system converges to 
> the right solution.
> Thank you for your help.
> Kind regards,
> Karthik.
> From: Barry Smith <bsm...@petsc.dev <mailto:bsm...@petsc.dev>>
> Date: Tuesday, 10 January 2023 at 18:50
> To: Chockalingam, Karthikeyan (STFC,DL,HC) 
> <karthikeyan.chockalin...@stfc.ac.uk 
> <mailto:karthikeyan.chockalin...@stfc.ac.uk>>
> Cc: petsc-users@mcs.anl.gov <mailto:petsc-users@mcs.anl.gov> 
> <petsc-users@mcs.anl.gov <mailto:petsc-users@mcs.anl.gov>>
> Subject: Re: [petsc-users] Eliminating rows and columns which are zeros
>   Yes, after the solve the x will contain correct values for ALL the 
> locations including the (zeroed out rows). You use case is exactly what 
> redistribute it for.
>   Barry
> On Jan 10, 2023, at 11:25 AM, Karthikeyan Chockalingam - STFC UKRI 
> <karthikeyan.chockalin...@stfc.ac.uk 
> <mailto:karthikeyan.chockalin...@stfc.ac.uk>> wrote:
> Thank you Barry. This is great!
> I plan to solve using ‘-pc_type redistribute’ after applying the Dirichlet bc 
> using
> MatZeroRowsColumnsIS(A, isout, 1, x, b); 
> While I retrieve the solution data from x (after the solve) – can I index 
> them using the original ordering (if I may say that)?
> Kind regards,
> Karthik.
> From: Barry Smith <bsm...@petsc.dev <mailto:bsm...@petsc.dev>>
> Date: Tuesday, 10 January 2023 at 16:04
> To: Chockalingam, Karthikeyan (STFC,DL,HC) 
> <karthikeyan.chockalin...@stfc.ac.uk 
> <mailto:karthikeyan.chockalin...@stfc.ac.uk>>
> Cc: petsc-users@mcs.anl.gov <mailto:petsc-users@mcs.anl.gov> 
> <petsc-users@mcs.anl.gov <mailto:petsc-users@mcs.anl.gov>>
> Subject: Re: [petsc-users] Eliminating rows and columns which are zeros
> https://petsc.org/release/docs/manualpages/PC/PCREDISTRIBUTE/#pcredistribute  
>  -pc_type redistribute
> It does everything for you. Note that if the right hand side for any of the 
> "zero" rows is nonzero then the system is inconsistent and the system does 
> not have a solution.
> Barry
> On Jan 10, 2023, at 10:30 AM, Karthikeyan Chockalingam - STFC UKRI via 
> petsc-users <petsc-users@mcs.anl.gov <mailto:petsc-users@mcs.anl.gov>> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am assembling a MATIJ of size N, where a very large number of rows (and 
> corresponding columns), are zeros. I would like to potentially eliminate them 
> before the solve.
> For instance say N=7
> 0 0  0  0 0 0 0
> 0 1 -1  0 0 0 0
> 0 -1 2  0 0 0 -1
> 0 0  0  0 0 0 0
> 0 0  0  0 0 0 0
> 0 0  0  0 0 0 0
> 0 0  -1 0 0 0 1
> I would like to reduce it to a 3x3
> 1 -1 0
> -1 2 -1
> 0 -1 1
> I do know the size N.
> Q1) How do I do it?
> Q2) Is it better to eliminate them as it would save a lot of memory?
> Q3) At the moment, I don’t know which rows (and columns) have the zero 
> entries but with some effort I probably can find them. Should I know which 
> rows (and columns) I am eliminating?
> Thank you.
> Karthik.
> This email and any attachments are intended solely for the use of the named 
> recipients. If you are not the intended recipient you must not use, disclose, 
> copy or distribute this email or any of its attachments and should notify the 
> sender immediately and delete this email from your system. UK Research and 
> Innovation (UKRI) has taken every reasonable precaution to minimise risk of 
> this email or any attachments containing viruses or malware but the recipient 
> should carry out its own virus and malware checks before opening the 
> attachments. UKRI does not accept any liability for any losses or damages 
> which the recipient may sustain due to presence of any viruses. 
> <petsc_redistribute.txt>

  • [petsc-users] Elimina... Karthikeyan Chockalingam - STFC UKRI via petsc-users
    • Re: [petsc-users... Barry Smith
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                • ... Barry Smith
                • ... Karthikeyan Chockalingam - STFC UKRI via petsc-users
                • ... Barry Smith
                • ... Karthikeyan Chockalingam - STFC UKRI via petsc-users
                • ... Barry Smith
                • ... Karthikeyan Chockalingam - STFC UKRI via petsc-users
                • ... Matthew Knepley

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