Hmm, looks like your build may be funny? It is not in debug mode 

frame #2: 0x000000010eda20c8 libpetsc.3.018.dylib`PetscHeaderDestroy_Private + 
    frame #3: 0x000000010f10176c libpetsc.3.018.dylib`VecDestroy + 808
    frame #4: 0x0000000110199f34 libpetsc.3.018.dylib`KSPSolve_Private + 512

In debugger mode it would show the line numbers where the crash occurred and 
help us determine the problem. I do note the -g being used by the compilers so 
cannot explain off hand why it does not display the debug information.


> On Feb 9, 2023, at 12:42 PM, Sajid Ali Syed via petsc-users 
> <> wrote:
> Hi PETSc-developers, 
> In our application we call KSP_Solve as part of a step to propagate a beam 
> through a lattice. I am observing a crash within KSP_Solve for an application 
> only after the 43rd call to KSP_Solve when building the application and PETSc 
> in debug mode, full logs for which are attached with this email (1 MPI rank 
> and 4 OMP threads were used, but this crash occurs with multiple MPI ranks as 
> well ). I am also including the last few lines of the configuration for this 
> build. This crash does not occur when building the application and PETSc in 
> release mode. 
> Could someone tell me what causes this crash and if anything can be done to 
> prevent it? Thanks in advance.
> The configuration of this solver is here : 
> Thank You,
> Sajid Ali (he/him) | Research Associate
> Scientific Computing Division
> Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
> <>
> <ksp_crash_log>

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