> On May 31, 2023, at 4:16 PM, Kenneth C Hall <kenneth.c.h...@duke.edu> wrote:
> Matt,
> Thanks for your quick reply.  I think what you say makes sense.
> You asked what my code does. The MySolver program performs one iteration of a 
> CFD iteration. The CFD scheme is an explicit scheme that uses multigrid, Mach 
> number preconditioning, and residual smoothing.  Typically, I have to call 
> MySolver on the order of 40 to 100 times to get acceptable convergence. 
> And in fact, I have another version of this Petsc code that uses SNESNGMRES 
> to solve the problem with MySolver providing the residuals as R =  N(x) - x. 

So you use SNESSetFunction(  a function you wrote that computes R = N(x) - x  )?

Have you considered using the SNESSetNPC() mechanism? That is, use your solver 
as a nonlinear preconditioner for any of the PETSc solvers?

In particular, you could use it with SNESNRICHARDSON which provides a 
lineseach, monitor, and convergence testing in a loop. I think this is exactly 
the loop structure you want, so no need for SNESSHELL.

> But I would like a version where I am using just MySolver, without any other 
> operations applied to it.  So I am trying to plug MySolver into the PETSc 
> system to provide monitoring and other features, and for consistency and 
> comparison to these other (more appropriate!) uses of PETSc.
> Thanks.
> Kenneth
> From: Matthew Knepley <knep...@gmail.com <mailto:knep...@gmail.com>>
> Date: Wednesday, May 31, 2023 at 3:48 PM
> To: Kenneth C Hall <kenneth.c.h...@duke.edu <mailto:kenneth.c.h...@duke.edu>>
> Cc: petsc-users@mcs.anl.gov <mailto:petsc-users@mcs.anl.gov> 
> <petsc-users@mcs.anl.gov <mailto:petsc-users@mcs.anl.gov>>
> Subject: Re: [petsc-users] Using SNESSHELL as a wrapper for a CFD solver.
> On Wed, May 31, 2023 at 3:21 PM Kenneth C Hall <kenneth.c.h...@duke.edu 
> <mailto:kenneth.c.h...@duke.edu>> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am doing a number of problems using PETSc/SLEPc, but I also work on some 
> non-PETSc/SLEPc flow solvers.   I would like to use PETSc as a wrapper for 
> this non-PETSc flow solver for compatibility,  so I can use the tolerance 
> monitoring, options, viewers, and for direct comparison to PETSc methods I am 
> using.
> Here is what I am trying to do… I have a CFD solver that iterates with a 
> nonlinear iterator of the form x := N(x).  This can be expressed in a fortran 
> routine of the form,
> SUBROUTINE MySolver(x) 
> or 
> SUBROUTINE MySolver(x,y)
> In the first case, x is over written. In the second, y = N(x).  In any event, 
> I want to do something like what is shown in the subroutine at the bottom of 
> this email. 
> The code below “works” in the sense that MySolver is called, but it is called 
> exactly *once*. But MyMonitor and MyConverged are *not* called. Again, I want 
> to iterate so MySolver should be called many times, as should MyMonitor and 
> MyConverged.
> The SNESolve() method is called once per nonlinear solve, just as KSPSolve() 
> is called once per linear solve. There may be iteration inside the method, 
> but that is handled inside the particular implementation. For example, both 
> Newton's method and Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient iterate, but the iteration 
> is internal to both, and they both call the monitor and convergence test at 
> each internal iterate.
> So, if your nonlinear solver should iterate, it should happen inside the 
> SNESSolve call for the SNESSHELL object. Does this make sense? What does your 
> solver do?
>   Thanks,
>      Matt
> The SNESView before and after SNESSolve looks like this:
> SNES Object: 1 MPI process
>   type: shell
>   SNES has not been set up so information may be incomplete
>   maximum iterations=50, maximum function evaluations=10000
>   tolerances: relative=1e-50, absolute=1e-10, solution=1e+06
>   total number of function evaluations=0
>   norm schedule ALWAYS
> SNES Object: 1 MPI process
>   type: shell
>   maximum iterations=50, maximum function evaluations=10000
>   tolerances: relative=1e-50, absolute=1e-10, solution=1e+06
>   total number of function evaluations=0
>   norm schedule ALWAYS
> Any suggestions on how to do what I am trying to accomplish?
> Thanks.
> Kenneth Hall
> #include <petsc/finclude/petsc.h>
> #include "macros.h"
>    MODULE SolveWithSNESShell_module
>       USE MyPetscModule
> !
> !====================================================================================================
>    SUBROUTINE MySolver(snes, x, ierr)
> !====================================================================================================
> !!
> !!
> !====================================================================================================
> !
>       USE MyPetscModule
> !
> !.... declared passed variables
>       SNES     :: snes
>       Vec      :: x
>       PetscErrorCode :: ierr
> !
> !.... code to find residual  x := N(x)
> !.... (or alternatively      y := N(x))
> !
> !====================================================================================================
>    SUBROUTINE MyMonitor(snes, its, rnorm, ierr)
> !====================================================================================================
> !!
> !!
> !====================================================================================================
> !
>       USE MyPetscModule
> !
> !.... Declare passed variables
>       SNES           :: snes
>       PetscInt       :: its
>       PetscReal      :: rnorm
>       PetscErrorCode :: ierr
> !
> !.... Code to print out convergence history
> !.... Code to print out convergence history
> !====================================================================================================
>    SUBROUTINE MyConverged(snes, it, xnorm, ynorm, znorm, reason, ierr)
>       USE MyPetscModule
>       SNES     :: snes
>       PetscInt :: it,ctx
>       PetscReal :: xnorm, ynorm, znorm
>       KSPConvergedReason :: reason
>       PetscErrorCode :: ierr
> !      ... add convergence test here ...
> !      set reason to a positive value if convergence has been achieved
>    END SUBROUTINE MyConverged
>    END MODULE SolveWithSNESShell_module
> !
> !====================================================================================================
>    SUBROUTINE SolveWithSNESShell
> !====================================================================================================
> !!
> !!
> !====================================================================================================
> !
>       USE SolveWithSNESShell_module
> !
> !.... Declare passed variables
>       INTEGER            :: level_tmp
> !
> !.... Declare local variables
>       INTEGER            :: iz
>       INTEGER            :: imax
>       INTEGER            :: jmax
>       INTEGER            :: kmax
>       SNES               :: snes
>       KSP                :: ksp
>       Vec                :: x
>       Vec                :: y
>       PetscViewer        :: viewer
>       PetscErrorCode     :: ierr
>       PetscReal          :: rtol   = 1.0D-10   !! relative tolerance
>       PetscReal          :: atol   = 1.0D-50   !! absolute tolerance
>       PetscReal          :: dtol   = 1.0D+06   !! divergence tolerance
>       PetscInt           :: maxits = 50
>       PetscInt           :: maxf   = 10000
>       character(len=1000):: args
> !
> !.... count the number of degrees of freedom.
>       level = level_tmp
>       n = 0
>       DO iz = 1, hb(level)%nzone
>          imax = hb(level)%zone(iz)%imax - 1
>          jmax = hb(level)%zone(iz)%jmax - 1
>          kmax = hb(level)%zone(iz)%kmax - 1
>          n = n + imax * jmax * kmax
>       END DO
>       n = n * neqn
> !
> !.... Initialize PETSc
>       PetscCall(PetscInitialize(PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, ierr))
> !
> !.... Log
>       PetscCall(PetscLogDefaultBegin(ierr))
> !
> !.... Hard-wired options.
> !     PetscCall(PetscOptionsInsertString(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, "command line 
> style option here" , ierr))
> !
> !.... Command line options.
>       call GET_COMMAND(args)
>       PetscCall(PetscOptionsInsertString(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, args, ierr))
> !
> !.... view command line table
>       PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIOpen(PETSC_COMM_SELF, 
> PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_SELF, viewer, ierr))
>       PetscCall(PetscOptionsView(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, viewer, ierr))
>       PetscCall(PetscViewerDestroy(viewer, ierr))
> !
> !.... Create PETSc vectors
>       PetscCall(VecCreateSeq(PETSC_COMM_SELF, n, x, ierr))
>       PetscCall(VecCreateSeq(PETSC_COMM_SELF, n, y, ierr))
>       PetscCall(VecSet(x, 0.0d0, ierr))
>       PetscCall(VecSet(y, 0.0d0, ierr))
> !.... SNES context
>       PetscCall(SNESCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF, snes, ierr))
>       PetscCall(SNESSetType(snes, SNESSHELL, ierr))
>       PetscCall(SNESShellSetSolve(snes, MySolver, ierr))
> !!!!  PetscCall(SNESSetFunction(snes, x, MySolver, PETSC_NULL_INTEGER, ierr))
> !!!!  this line causes a segmentation error if uncommented.
>       PetscCall(SNESSetConvergenceTest(snes, MyConverged, 0, 
> !
> !.... Set SNES options
>       PetscCall(SNESSetFromOptions(snes, ierr))
> !.... Set tolerances
>       PetscCall(SNESSetTolerances(snes, rtol, atol, dtol, maxits, maxf, ierr))
> !
> !.... SNES montior
>       PetscCall(SNESMonitorSet(snes, MyMonitor, PETSC_NULL_INTEGER, 
> !
> !.... Set the initial solution
>       CALL HBToVecX(x)
> !
> !.... View snes context
>       PetscCall(SNESView(snes, viewer, ierr))
> !
> !.... Solve SNES problem
>       PetscCall(SNESSolve(snes, PETSC_NULL_VEC, x, ierr))
> !
> !.... View snes context
>       PetscCall(SNESView(snes, viewer, ierr))
> !
> !.... dump the logs
> !     call PetscLogDump(ierr)  ! Why does this cause error
> !
> !.... Destroy PETSc objects
>       PetscCall(SNESDestroy(snes, ierr))
>       PetscCall(VecDestroy(x, ierr))
>       PetscCall(VecDestroy(y, ierr))
>       PetscCall(PetscViewerDestroy(viewer, ierr))
> !
> !.... Finish
>       PetscCall(PetscFinalize(ierr))
> --
> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their experiments 
> is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their experiments 
> lead.
> -- Norbert Wiener
> https://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/ 
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.cse.buffalo.edu/*knepley/__;fg!!OToaGQ!sE2W1qI_dqcEHL1dOCnJ3Rdv9TATFVDBiBqx_tlQsOnjvGF7StDjsmVcm9Qkfe4XcTFOBtVjtFl5om07Rdjw$>

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