Dear all,

I'm quite new to PETSC. So I hope the following questions are not too stupid.

1) We have a (Fortran) code, that we want to update from an older PETSC version (petsc.2.3.3-p16) to a newer version.

Inside the old code, for creating matrices A, there are function calls of the from:

In the reference page for this old version it says:
When calling this routine with a single process communicator, a matrix of type SEQAIJ is returned.

So I assume the following behavior of this old routine:
- for N_proc == 1:
   a matrix of type SEQAIJ is returned.

- for N_proc > 1:
   a matrix of type MPIAIJ is returned

2a) So, in the new code, we want to have a similar behavior.

I found that this function is not present any more in the newer PETSC versions.

Instead, one might use: MatCreateAIJ(….)
( )

If I understand the reference page of the function correctly, then, actually, a similar behavior should be expected:

- for N_proc == 1:
   a matrix of type SEQAIJ is returned.

- for N_proc > 1:
   a matrix of type MPIAIJ is returned

2b) However, on the reference page, there is the note:

It is recommended that one use the MatCreate(), MatSetType() and/or MatSetFromOptions(), MatXXXXSetPreallocation() paradigm instead of this routine directly.

So, if I want the behavior above, it is recommended to code it like this, isn't it:

If (N_Proc == 1)

    MatCreate(.. ,A ,...)
    MatSetType(…,A, MATSEQAIJ,..)
    MatSetSizes(…,A, ..)


    MatCreate(.. ,A ,...)
    MatSetType(…,A, MATMPIAIJ,..)
    MatSetSizes(…,A, ..)


3) So my questions are:

- Is my present understanding correct?

If  yes:

- Why might using MatCreateAIJ(….) for my case not be helpful?

- So, why is it recommended to use the way 2b) instead of this MatCreateAIJ(….) ?

Best, Karsten

Section: Physical Oceanography
Universitaet Oldenburg
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