On Thu, Jun 22, 2023 at 8:37 PM Alexander Lindsay <alexlindsay...@gmail.com>

> I know that PETSc has hooks for Euclid but I discovered today that it does
> not support 64 bit indices, which many MOOSE applications need. This would
> probably be more appropriate for a hypre support forum (does anyone know if
> such a forum exists other than opening GitHub issues?), but does anyone
> here know what the difference between hypre-ILU and hypre-Euclid are? From
> the docs it seems they are both supposed to be parallel ILU solvers.
> If hypre-ILU worked with 64 bit indices (I can probably check this sifting
> through the sources), then I would probably add hooks for it in PETSc
> (AFAICT those don't exist at present).

My understanding was that two different people were working on them. I do
not know if either is still actively supported. We would of course like a
binding to whatever is supported.

Are you sure you want to run ILU?


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