Thanks for the quick reply and the suggestions!

" ... you should first check that the PCMG works quite well "

Yes, the PCMG works very well for the full system.

"I am guessing that your code is slightly different than ex42.c because you 
take the interpolation matrix provided by the DM
and give it to the inner KSP PCMG?. So you solve problem 2 but not problem 1."

Yes, it's slightly different so problem 2 should be solved.

It looked somewhat complicated to get PCMG to work with redistribute, so I'll 
try with PCGAMG first
(it ran immediately with redistribute, but was slower than PCMG on my, very 
small, test problem. I'll try
to tune the settings).

A related question: I'm here using a DMDA for a structured grid but I'm locking 
so many DOFs that for many of the elements
all DOFs are locked. In such a case could it make sense to switch/convert the 
DMDA to a DMPlex containing only those
elements that actually have DOFs?

From: Barry Smith <>
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2023 3:57 PM
To: Carl-Johan Thore <>
Subject: Re: [petsc-users] PCMG with PCREDISTRIBUTE

   Oh, I forgot to mention you should first check that the PCMG works quite 
well for the full system (without the PCREDISTRIBUTE); the convergence
on the redistributed system (assuming you did all the work to get PCMG to work 
for you) should be very similar to (but not measurably better) than the 
convergence on the full system.

On Jun 30, 2023, at 9:17 AM, Barry Smith 
<<>> wrote:

   ex42.c provides directly the interpolation/restriction needed to move 
between levels in the loop

 for (k = 1; k < nlevels; k++) {
    PetscCall(DMCreateInterpolation(da_list[k - 1], da_list[k], &R, NULL));
    PetscCall(PCMGSetInterpolation(pc, k, R));

The more standard alternative to this is to call KSPSetDM() and have the PCMG 
setup use the DM
to construct the interpolations (I don't know why ex42.c does this construction 
itself instead of having the KSPSetDM() process handle it but that doesn't 
matter). The end result is the same in both cases.

Since PCREDISTRIBUTE  builds its own  new matrix (by using only certain rows 
and columns of the original matrix) the original interpolation
cannot be used for two reasons

1) (since it is for the full system) It is for the wrong problem.

2) In addition, if you ran with ex42.c the inner KSP does not have access to 
the interpolation that was constructed so you could not get PCMG to to work as 
indicated below.

I am guessing that your code is slightly different than ex42.c because you take 
the interpolation matrix provided by the DM
and give it to the inner KSP PCMG?. So you solve problem 2 but not problem 1.

So the short answer is that there is no "canned" way to use the PCMG process 
trivially with PCDISTRIBUTE.

To do what you want requires two additional steps

1) after you construct the full interpolation matrix  (by using the DM) you 
need to remove the rows associated with the dof that have been removed by the 
"locked" variables (and the columns that are associated with coarse grid points 
that live on the removed points) so that the interpolation is the correct 
"size" for the smaller problem

2) since PCREDISTRIBUTE actually moves dof of freedom between MPI processes for 
load balancing after it has removed the locked variables you would need to do 
the exact same movement for the rows of the interpolation matrix that you have 
constructed (after you have removed the "locked" rows of the interpolation.

Lots of bookkeeping to acheive 1 and 2 but conceptually simple.

As an experiment you can try using PCGAMG on the redistributed matrix 
-redistribute_pc_type gamg to use algebraic multigrid just to see the time and 
convergence rates. Since GAMG creates its own interpolation based on the matrix 
and it will be built on the smaller redistributed matrix there will no issue 
with the wrong "sized" interpolation. Of course you have the overhead of 
algebraic multigrid and cannot take advantage of geometric multigrid.  The GAMG 
approach may be satisfactory to your needs.

If you are game for looking more closely at using redistribute with geometric 
multigrid and PETSc (which will require digging into PETSc source code and 
using internal information in the PETSc source code) you can start by looking 
at how we solve variational problems with SNES using reduced space active set 
methods. SNESVINEWTONRSLS /src/snes/impls/vi/rs/virs.c This code solves problem 
1 see DMSetVI() it builds the entire interpolation and then pulls out the 
required non-locked part. Reduced space active set methods essentially lock the 
constrained dof and solve a smaller system without those dof at each iteration.

But it does not solve problem 2. Moving the rows of the "smaller" interpolation 
to the correct MPI process based on where PCREDISTRIBUTE moved rows. To do this 
would requring looking at the PCREDISTRUBUTE code and extracting the 
information of where each row was moving and performing the process for the 
interpolation matrix.


On Jun 30, 2023, at 8:21 AM, Carl-Johan Thore via petsc-users 
<<>> wrote:


I'm trying to run an iterative solver (FGMRES for example) with PCMG as 
preconditioner. The setup of PCMG
is done roughly as in ex42 of the PETSc-tutorials 
Since I have many locked  degrees-of-freedom I would like to use 
results in (30039 is the number of DOFs after redistribute and 55539 the number 

[0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message 
[0]PETSC ERROR: Nonconforming object sizes
[0]PETSC ERROR: Matrix dimensions of A and P are incompatible for 
MatProductType PtAP: A 30039x30039, P 55539x7803
[0]PETSC ERROR: See for trouble shooting.
[0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Development GIT revision: v3.19.0-238-g512d1ae6db4  GIT 
Date: 2023-04-24 16:37:00 +0200
[0]PETSC ERROR: topopt on a arch-linux-c-opt Fri Jun 30 13:28:41 2023
[0]PETSC ERROR: Configure options COPTFLAGS="-O3 -march=native" 
CXXOPTFLAGS="-O3 -march=native" FOPTFLAGS="-O3 -march=native" CUDAOPTFLAGS=-O3 
--with-cuda --with-cusp --with-debugging=0 --download-scalapack --download-hdf5 
--download-zlib --download-mumps --download-parmetis --download-metis 
--download-ptscotch --download-hypre --download-spai
[0]PETSC ERROR: #1 MatProductSetFromOptions_Private() at 
[0]PETSC ERROR: #2 MatProductSetFromOptions() at 
[0]PETSC ERROR: #3 MatPtAP() at 
[0]PETSC ERROR: #4 MatGalerkin() at 
[0]PETSC ERROR: #5 PCSetUp_MG() at 
[0]PETSC ERROR: #6 PCSetUp() at 
[0]PETSC ERROR: #7 KSPSetUp() at 
[0]PETSC ERROR: #8 PCSetUp_Redistribute() at 
[0]PETSC ERROR: #9 PCSetUp() at 
[0]PETSC ERROR: #10 KSPSetUp() at 
[0]PETSC ERROR: #11 KSPSolve_Private() at 
[0]PETSC ERROR: #12 KSPSolve() at 

It's clear what happens I think, and it kind of make since not all levels are 
redistributed as they should (?).
Is it possible to use PCMG with PCREDISTRIBUTE in an easy way?

Kind regards,

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