We call simple iteration in PETSc Richardson, while preonly is defined as 
"apply the preconditioner once" so -ksp_type richardson -pc_type gamg is what 
you want to try, there is no "tweaks" for -ksp_type preonly to turn it into 
simple iteration since -ksp_type richardson is exactly for using simple 

> On Jul 5, 2023, at 12:09 PM, Khurana, Parv <p.khuran...@imperial.ac.uk> wrote:
> Thank you Mark, Barry for the advice.
> -ksp_type richardson may be what I am looking for. I wanted a simple 
> iterative scheme that allows AMG to be the main work horse – this allows that.
> On using -ksp_type preonly, I observed only 1 KSP iteration and it does not 
> drop the residual norm to my desired level (-ksp_rtol 1e-7). Whereas when I 
> use gmres or Richardson I see 6-10 ksp iterations and the desired residual 
> drop. Is it possible to increase (and fix) the number of KSP iterations with 
> preonly? You mentioned below that it gives only one cycle so I presume it is 
> not possible.
> Geometric mg is not a feasible option for my application as I will be 
> ultimately dealing with 3D, unstructured meshes for hp-finite element 
> methods. Some clever tweaks may allow it (like having sub-structured meshes) 
> but not as of now.
> Best
> Parv
> From: Barry Smith <bsm...@petsc.dev <mailto:bsm...@petsc.dev>> 
> Sent: 05 July 2023 16:51
> To: Khurana, Parv <p.khuran...@imperial.ac.uk 
> <mailto:p.khuran...@imperial.ac.uk>>
> Cc: petsc-users@mcs.anl.gov <mailto:petsc-users@mcs.anl.gov>
> Subject: Re: [petsc-users] Running AMG libraries as standalone solvers
> This email from bsm...@petsc.dev <mailto:bsm...@petsc.dev> originates from 
> outside Imperial. Do not click on links and attachments unless you recognise 
> the sender. If you trust the sender, add them to your safe senders list 
> <https://spam.ic.ac.uk/SpamConsole/Senders.aspx> to disable email stamping 
> for this address.
>    BTW: in my experience
> Geometric multigrid generally works great as a standalone solver, that is 
> accelerating it with a Krylov method is not needed, and while it may improve 
> the convergence rate slightly, it may end up taking a bit more time then not 
> using the Krylov solver (due to the extra Krylov solver overhead).
> Algebraic multigrid is usually run with a Krylov solver and running without a 
> Krylov solver, as far as I am aware, generally performs poorly.
> On Jul 5, 2023, at 11:46 AM, Barry Smith <bsm...@petsc.dev 
> <mailto:bsm...@petsc.dev>> wrote:
>   -ksp_type richardson
>   If you use -ksp_typre preonly you effectively get one V-cycle (or whatever 
> cycle type you may have selected) which in general, will give you a more or 
> less garbage answer
> On Jul 5, 2023, at 11:28 AM, Khurana, Parv <p.khuran...@imperial.ac.uk 
> <mailto:p.khuran...@imperial.ac.uk>> wrote:
> Hello PETSc users,
> I am fairly inexperienced with PETSc as of now and am new to the mailing 
> list! Thanks for running this channel.
> I seek basic help regarding running AMG routines (BoomerAMG/ML/GAMG). I am 
> trying to compare the performance of solving a Poisson problem using a AMG 
> Preconditioned GMRES iterative solve vs using AMG as the solver. I use PETSc 
> options using the options database keys as of now, and it is connected to a 
> flow solver (Nektar++) I use for my research.
> I currently run the AMG Preconditioned GMRES iterative solve by setting 
> -ksp_type gmres and then specifying the preconditioner I want using, for e.g, 
> -pc_type hypre -pc_hypre_type boomeramg. If I want to use the AMG routine, I 
> am currently setting -ksp_type preonly and the same -pc_type. However, I am 
> not sure if this is correct way to go about it due to two reasons:  a) my 
> solution using AMG as a solver with these options has a larger error than AMG 
> Preconditioned GMRES (which could still be acceptable), and b) I could not 
> find any clear documentation regarding how to use AMG directly as a solver. I 
> saw some hints in the examples herehttps://petsc.org/main/tutorials/handson/# 
> <https://petsc.org/main/tutorials/handson/>, but it hasn’t helped me.
> Any hints on how to use AMG directly as a solver?
> Best
> Parv

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