Ok, thanks. Definitely more than I expected.

  It is easy to add the support you requested. I'll push a branch latter today.


> On Aug 21, 2023, at 3:28 PM, Jonas Lundgren <jonas.lundg...@liu.se> wrote:
> Dear Barry,
> I have tried what you suggested on a (not too large) test example on a bigger 
> cluster that I have access to, using -redistribute_ksp_initial_guess_nonzero 
> 0 and 1, respectively. The average timings during the 5 first (design) 
> iterations are 8.7 s (state) and 7.9 s (adjoint) for the case with zero 
> initial guesses and 5.0 s (state) and 5.7 s (adjoint) for the cases with 
> nonzero initial guesses. These solvings are the bottleneck of my program, 
> accounting for about 60-90% of the total computational time, depending on 
> various parameters. The program is basically consisting of the loop: solve 
> state > solve adjoint > update design > repeat. This is repeated for a couple 
> of hundred iterations.
> From my experience, the number of iterations to convergence in each 
> state/adjoint solve will decrease when increasing the (design) iterative 
> counter (i.e. the longer the process has gone on for) IF the initial guess is 
> the solution to the previous solve. This is because the design update is 
> smaller in the end of the process than in the beginning, and a smaller design 
> update leads to smaller changes in state/adjoint solution between subsequent 
> (design) iterations. This means that the numbers provided above are on the 
> low side: most likely the savings can be even more in the end of the design 
> process.
> Best regards,
> Jonas Lundgren
> Från: Barry Smith <bsm...@petsc.dev <mailto:bsm...@petsc.dev>> 
> Skickat: den 21 augusti 2023 20:13
> Till: Jonas Lundgren <jonas.lundg...@liu.se <mailto:jonas.lundg...@liu.se>>
> Kopia: petsc-users@mcs.anl.gov <mailto:petsc-users@mcs.anl.gov>
> Ämne: Re: [petsc-users] (Sub) KSP initial guess with PCREDISTRIBUTE
>    When you use 2 KSP so that you can use the previous "solution" as the 
> initial guess for the next problem, how much savings do you get? In 
> iterations inside PCREDISTRIBUTE and in time (relative to the entire linear 
> solver time and relative to the entire application run)?  You can get this 
> information running with -log_view
>    That is, run the 2 KSP simulation twice, once with the inner 
> KSPSetNonzeroInitialGuess() on and once with it off and compare the times for 
> the two cases.
>   Thanks
>    Barry
>    Using KSPSetNonzeroInitialGuess() requires an extra matrix-vector product 
> and preconditioner application, so I would like to verify that you have a 
> measurable performance improvement with the initial guess.
> On Aug 21, 2023, at 7:06 AM, Jonas Lundgren via petsc-users 
> <petsc-users@mcs.anl.gov <mailto:petsc-users@mcs.anl.gov>> wrote:
> Dear PETSc users,
> I have a problem regarding the setting of initial guess to KSP when using 
> PCREDISTRIBUTE as the preconditioner. (The reason to why I use PCREDISTRIBUTE 
> is because I have a lot of fixed DOF in my problem, and PCREDISTRIBUTE 
> successfully reduces the problem size and therefore speeds up the solving).
> First, some details:
> -          I use a version of PETSc 3.19.1
> -          The KSP I use is KSPPREONLY, as suggested in the manual pages of 
> PCREDISTRIBUTE:https://petsc.org/release/manualpages/PC/PCREDISTRIBUTE/
> -          I use KSPBCGSL as sub-KSP. I can perfectly well solve my problem 
> using this as my main KSP, but the performance is much worse than when using 
> it as my sub-KSP (under KSPPREONLY+PCREDISTRIBUTE) due to the amount of fixed 
> -          I am first solving a state problem, then an adjoint problem using 
> the same linear operator.
> -          The adjoint vector is used as sensitivity information to update a 
> design. After the design update, the state+adjoint problems are solved again 
> with a slightly updated linear operator. This is done for hundreds of 
> (design) iteration steps
> -          I want the initial guess for the state problem to be the state 
> solution from the previous (design) iteration, and same for the adjoint 
> problem
> -          I am aware of the default way of setting a custom initial guess: 
> KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero(ksp, PETSC_TRUE) together with providing the actual 
> guess in the x vector in the call to KSPSolve(ksp, b, x)
> The main problem is that PCREDISTRIBUTE internally doesn’t use the input 
> solution vector (x) when calling KSPSolve() for the sub-KSP. It zeroes out 
> the solution vector (x) when starting to build x = diag(A)^{-1} b in the 
> beginning of PCApply_Redistribute(), and uses red->x as the solution 
> vector/initial guess when calling KSPSolve(). Therefore, I cannot reach the 
> sub-KSP with an initial guess.
> Additionally, KSPPREONLY prohibits the use of having a nonzero initial guess 
> (the error message says “it doesn’t make sense”). I guess I can remove the 
> line raising this error and recompile the PETSc libraries, but it still won’t 
> solve the previously mentioned problem, which seems to be the hard nut to 
> crack.
> So far, I have found out that if I create 2 KSP object, one each for the 
> state and adjoint problems, it is enough with calling 
> KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero(subksp, PETSC_TRUE) on the subksp. It seems as if 
> the variable red->x in PCApply_Redistribute() is kept untouched in memory 
> between calls to the main KSP and therefore is used as (non-zero) initial 
> guess to the sub-KSP. This has been verified by introducing 
> PetscCall(PetscObjectCompose((PetscObject)pc,"redx",(PetscObject)red->x)); in 
> PCApply_Redistribute(), recompiling the PETSc library, and then inserting a 
> corresponding PetscObjectQuery((PetscObject)pc, "redx", (PetscObject 
> *)&redx); in my own program source file.
> However, I would like to only create 1 KSP to be used with both the state and 
> adjoint problems (same linear operator), for memory reasons. When I do this, 
> the initial guesses are mixed up between the two problems: the initial guess 
> for the adjoint problem is the solution to the state problem in the current 
> design iteration, and the initial guess for the state problem is the solution 
> to the adjoint problem in the previous design iteration. These are very bad 
> guesses that increases the time to convergence in each state/adjoint solve.
> So, the core of the problem (as far as I can understand) is that I want to 
> control the initial guess red->x in PCApply_Redistribute().
> The only solution I can think of is to include a call to PetscObjectQuery() 
> in PCApply_Redistribute() to obtain a vector with the initial guess from my 
> main program. And then I need to keep track of the initial guesses for my 
> both problems in my main program myself (minor problem). This is maybe not 
> the neatest way, and I do not know if this approach affects the performance 
> negatively? Maybe one call each to PetscObjectQuery() and 
> PetscObjectCompose() per call to PCApply_Redistribute() is negligible?
> Is there another (and maybe simpler) solution to this problem? Maybe I can 
> SCATTER_FORWARD the input x vector in PCApply_Redistribute() before it is 
> zeroed out, together with allowing for non-zero initial guess in KSPPREONLY?
> Any help is welcome!
> Best regards,
> Jonas Lundgren

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