I hope this email reaches you well. I'm afraid I'm having a bit of trouble
using PETSC for a library I'm writing for myself, and I was hoping for some
clarification/help. I've been writing PETSC C code and compiling it using
the included makefiles in the tutorial section as that was sufficient.
However, I decided since there are a few functions I keep using it would be
beneficial to write them and make them into a little library for myself.
However, I'm having some difficulty understanding what I need to include
when trying to compile something as a library with PETSC stuff. The
makefiles are rather complicated, so I thought it may be more prudent to
just ask.

I'm trying to use #include <petscksp.h> and #include <petscmath.h> to have
access to the PETSC data types (PetscScalar, PetscInt) but I can't find
where those files are located, and I wanted to check if just using gcc with
those added was sufficient or if I needed some other compiler flags and

Please forgive me if this is a silly question, but makefiles have always
been tricky for me.


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