By natural coordinates, I am referring to the reference element coordinates. 
Usually these are represented as (xi, eta, zeta) in the literature.

Yes. I would like to have the Jacobian and the derivatives of the map available 
within PetscDSSetResidual() f0 and f1 functions.  I believe 
DMPlexComputeCellGeometryFEM() function provides this information. Is there a 
way to get the cell, shape functions as well? It not, can we talk about this 
more? I would like to understand how the shape functions are addressed within 
PETSc. Dr. Kirk's approach uses the shape function gradients in its SUPG 
parameter. I'd love to talk with you about this is more detail.

From: Matthew Knepley <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 3:13 PM
To: Brandon Denton <>
Cc: Jed Brown <>; petsc-users <>
Subject: Re: [petsc-users] FEM Implementation of NS with SUPG Stabilization

On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 2:09 PM Brandon Denton 
<<>> wrote:
Thank you for the discussion.

Are we agreed then that the derivatives of the natural coordinates are required 
for the described approach? If so, is this something PETSc can currently do 
within the point-wise residual functions?

I am not sure what natural coordinates are. Do we just mean the Jacobian, 
derivatives of the map between reference and real coordinates? If so, yes the 
Jacobian is available. Right now I do not pass it
directly, but passing it is easy.



Matt - Thank you for the command line option for the 2nd derivatives. Those 
will be needed to implement the discussed approach. Specifically in the 
stabilization and shock capture parameters. (Ref.: B. Kirk's Thesis). What is a 
good reference for the usual SUPG method you are referencing? I've been looking 
through my textbooks but haven't found a good reference.

Jed - Thank you for the link. I will review the information on it.

Sorry about the attachment. I will upload it to this thread later (I'm at work 
right now and I can't do it from here).
From: Jed Brown <<>>
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 1:38 PM
To: Matthew Knepley <<>>
Cc: Brandon Denton <<>>; 
petsc-users <<>>
Subject: Re: [petsc-users] FEM Implementation of NS with SUPG Stabilization

Matthew Knepley <<>> writes:

> On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 1:03 PM Jed Brown 
> <<>> wrote:
>> I don't see an attachment, but his thesis used conservative variables and
>> defined an effective length scale in a way that seemed to assume constant
>> shape function gradients. I'm not aware of systematic literature comparing
>> the covariant and contravariant length measures on anisotropic meshes, but
>> I believe most people working in the Shakib/Hughes approach use the
>> covariant measure. Our docs have a brief discussion of this choice.
>> Matt, I don't understand how the second derivative comes into play as a
>> length measure on anistropic meshes -- the second derivatives can be
>> uniformly zero and yet you still need a length measure.
> I was talking about the usual SUPG where we just penalize the true residual.

I think you're focused on computing the strong diffusive flux (which can be 
done using second derivatives or by a projection; the latter produces somewhat 
better results). But you still need a length scale and that's most naturally 
computed using the derivative of reference coordinates with respect to physical 
(or equivalently, the associated metric tensor).

What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their experiments is 
infinitely more interesting than any results to which their experiments lead.
-- Norbert Wiener<>

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